1. When a company decides to invest in quality it makes choices between prevention costs and failure costs.
  1. What is the difference between the two and why would a company deliberately choose to manage quality through failure costs?
  • Find an example of 2 companies that made such decision and explain why you chose them (1 in each category).
  • There are differences between quality verifications and validations and used the below V-model to explain the difference.
  1. What is the difference between validation and verification? Will you be using one of them or both during the QC process?
    1. In your opinion, which one is more important, and why?
  • According to PMI’s (Project Management Institute) Quality Management processes, approved Change Requests play an important role as input to QA and QC (see chart below).
    • Why is it important that such change requests will be approved?
  • Please give an example of how a Change Request can impact the triple constraint?

What can you do to make sure such request has been approved, and as a project manager what actions should you be taking once it has been appro    ?

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