Project Title: Desert Taco Opportunity

Description: Based on initial feedback from customer surveys, online discussion/social media groups, and SWOT analyses, you’ve determined that there is an opportunity to increase your organization’s customer base through the introduction of desert tacos in your food truck menu.

Project Objectives

Identify the top three potential customer groups for this opportunity and describe their characteristics and preferences.

Operational StepResponsible PersonTimeline
Review the organization’s customer database to determine potential customer groupsLeo (Market Research Manager)9/30 (1 week)
Identify the top 3 groups to target based on volume, brand loyalty, and locationBetty (Director of Marketing)10/7 (2 weeks)
Survey customers regarding food preferences and potential menu itemsTom (Customer Service Representative)10/21 (4 weeks)
Share customer feedback with inventory and operational teamsBetty/Tom10/28 (5 weeks)

Determine the top 5 locations and times to complete a pilot study with your test market.

Operational StepResponsible PersonTimeline
Review sales data to determine peak sales opportunities by locationJim (Director of Sales)9/30 (1 week)
Identify the top 5 locations in which to conduct the desert taco pilotJim10/7 (2 weeks)
Create marketing collateral and social media communications to promote the desert taco pilotOliver (Media Relations Manager)10/21 (4 weeks)
Provide expected volume and product information for the inventory teamJim10/7 (2 weeks)

Estimate the required inventory and supply chain needs necessary to support the desert taco pilot.

Operational StepResponsible PersonTimeline
Based on expected customer volume, locations, and times, determine the product inventory required to support the pilot.Louise (Controller)10/14 (3 weeks)
Source supply companies and obtain product pricing quotes and delivery timelines.Louise10/21 (4 weeks)
Determine shipment and storage needs to support the pilot.Louise and Ben (Operations Manager)10/21 (4 weeks)
Purchase product for the pilot and arrange transportation to support the desert taco pilot at the various locations.Louise10/28 (5 weeks)

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