Watch the three interviews linked below from The American Nurse Project ( Critique the significance of professional nursing as it relates to the niche of pediatrics in a 2-3 page reflection paper (double space, 12 Times New Roman font).

Pam Dodge, RN “This is My Family”

Pam Dodge, RN “Doing What Needs to Be Done”

Rosemary Livingston, BSN, RN II “What I’ve Learned From A Child’s Will to Survive”

Content & Organization (70 points)

  • Summarize each interview selected, include the nurses’ names, credentials, and positions (10)
  • Describe the area of nursing (10)
  • Describe the roles played by nurses (10)
  • Discuss the effect on health of a community (10)
  • Identify the place (fit) in the health care system (10)
  • Identify personal learning gained from the experience (10)
  • Addresses the degree to which the experience provided motivation to pursue further (10)

Readability & Style (10 point)

  • The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment (5)
  • Structure is clear, logical & easy to follow, Sentences complete, clear, & concise (5)

Mechanics (20 points)

  • The paper adheres to the prescribed length (10)
  • Rules of grammar and punctuation are followed. Spelling is Correct (10)




















Professional Activity Reflection
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summarize each interview selected, include the nurses’ names, credentials, and positions10 to >8.0 pts Information is inclusive and complete 8 to >5.0 pts Most required information is included; Some information is missing or incomplete 5 to >0.0 pts Most information is missing 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identifies and describes the area of nursing10 to >8.0 pts Identifies the area of nursing and provides a brief description 8 to >5.0 pts Partially identifies and/or describes the area of nursing 5 to >0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Describe the roles played by nurses10 to >8.0 pts Full Marks 8 to >5.0 pts Partial Credit 5 to >0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discuss the effect on health of a community10 to >8.0 pts Full Marks 8 to >5.0 pts Partial Credit 5 to >0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify the place (fit) in the health care system10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify personal learning gained from the experience10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Addresses the degree to which the experience provided motivation to pursue further10 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Structure is clear, logical & easy to follow; sentences complete, clear, & concise5 to >3.0 pts Full Marks 3 to >0.0 pts Partial Credit 0 pts No Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome The paper adheres to the prescribed length10 pts Full Marks 5 pts Partial credit 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Rules of grammar and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct10 pts Two or less errors 5 pts 3-5 Errors 0 pts More than 5 errors10 pts
Total Points: 100

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