Overview:  Students will review national healthcare aim/objectives and link to their role as nurse practitioners to improve health outcomes in specific populations/groups.  


  1. Students will self-select into teams of 6-8 members to work on this assignment. Students must be in the same section with the same primary faculty.
  2. Use these links to research/guide your project
    1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): National Quality Strategy
    1. HHS Measurement Policy Council Core Measure Sets
    1. Healthy People 2030
    1. o   HEDIS® measures
  • Select a population of interest: Children, Adolescents, Adults, or Older Adults.
    • Determine a specific age range or sex. Example: Adolescents 12-19
  • Select one specific area of interest from these quality improvement & performance measures
  • Review and summarize current evidence-based literature (within past 5 years) – Consider using CINAHL, PubMed, agency websites
  • Summarize findings based on the following sub-topics
  • Burden of the Problem in the Specific Population – consider such things as incidence, prevalence, mortality, associated costs, etc.
  • Barriers and Challenges – consider health beliefs, culture, determinants of health, etc.
  • Solutions to Current Challenges – these must be evidence-based solutions – what has been done before to improve outcomes – provide specific data of improvement.  
  • – identify specific performance and QI measures with data to support
  • Future Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice – How does this affect advance nursing practice providers and the goal to improve patient outcomes. 

Specific Instructions:

  • Team members must work together to create a PowerPoint presentation
    • All members of each team must perform the role of presenter.
    • Each team is allowed a maximum of 20 mins for the presentations.  Presentations over 20 minutes will result in a loss of points (see rubric). At least 2-3 minutes must be reserved for questions at the end of the team presentation. 
    • Presentation slides must follow APA 7th format
    • References may be single spaced but in APA format on final reference slide(s).
    • The PowerPoint presentation must be uploaded to canvas prior to the group presentation.


Presentation integrates course concepts & is well supported by evidence-based guidelines and competencies for specific population groups20 
Presentation clearly outlines the following areas: (10 pts each) Burden of the Problem Barriers and ChallengesSolutions to Current ChallengesPerformance Measures and QIFuture Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice50 
Presentation is cohesive, organized, scholarly and specific to goals established for the assignment10 
All members of each team must perform the role of presenter5 
Presentation is APA format including a cover slide, presentation slides, and reference slide(s) (up to 10pts)Completed within allotted time of 20 minutes (5 pts)15 
Total Points100 

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