1. Investigate health issues in your county or state. To access your county or state data, you may use the following  websites:
    1. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.) Explore health rankings
  • U.S. News & World Report. (n.d.) Healthiest communities https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/252855535.
  • Using data and resources from the two websites above and/or other credible sources, complete the following:
  • identify a health issue in your county or state.
  • identify an “at risk” population in Tulsa Oklahoma that is most affected by the health issues.
  • identify the social factor or condition/social determinant of health (SDOH) that leads to, worsens, or complicates the health issue for the identified “at risk” population.

recommend a policy change to address the identified SDOH.

  1. Review the “Answering the Call”  https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/252563158

    series presented by Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Hofmeyer, 2020).
  2. Watch the recorded video titled “Advocacy Action Plan” located in Course Tips.   

After reviewing the above resources, create a brief summary (recommended length 200300 words) of your advocacy action plan to address your identified SDOH.

  1. Review both the National League for Nursing (NLN), Advocacy & Public Policy


    site (NLN, n.d.) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Policy & Advocacy


    site (AACN, n.d.).
  2. Review The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/252856090
  3. Create a goal in SMART format to guide the Advocacy Action Team (Eby, 2019).
    1. Each component of the SMART goal will be one (1) sentence in length.
      1. S (Specific)
      1. M (Measurable)
      1. A (Achievable)
      1. R (Realistic/Relevant)
      1. T (Timebound)

The SMART goal will provide clear and unified direction for the Advocacy Action Team to move the policy forward toward adoption.

  • insights you gained from researching and planning policy advocacy.
    • steps you might take to increase your involvement advocating for health policy change in your community.   
List and describe seven team-building strategies to effectively form and lead your interprofessional policy advocacy team.Explain why each of the seven strategies is important in effective team building.   
Consider the expertise you will need on your Advocacy Action Team to achieve your SMART goal then:   create a list of five key interprofessional stakeholders, by role or title (names not required), who will be valuable contributors to the Advocacy Action Team.
Review your Advocacy Action Plan Summary in Phase 1, then: identify four agenda items for the first Advocacy Action Team meeting.  describe why these items should be discussed in the first meeting. 
insights you gained in forming your Advocacy Action Team.  steps you might take to enhance your skills in interprofessional team building.

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