Personal Development Plans (PDP’s) are used in human resource management as planning tools, and assist HR and business professionals in planning and creating an action plan based on values in a culturally-diverse environment (i.e., from a cognitive, affective, and behavioral perspective) awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement.  Many of today’s employers use PDP’s for career management and career development of employees.

For this course, you will complete a Personal Development Plan.  Students will prepare a 7 page (the 7 page requirement does not include the title page, abstract page, and reference pages) Personal Development Plan.  The Personal Development Plan needs to be in APA format 7th edition, and have at least three (5) scholarly and/or professional references.  Because this is a reflection assignment, it is permissible for students to write in first person. 

This assignment will describe how each student will work (act) to further develop his/her own capabilities over the coming year, and it will have three (3) parts.  The three (3) parts are as follows: 

Part I:  An Analysis of Context

In this part, students will present an analysis of the context in which the student wants to engage in possible developmental actions.  For example, if the student is currently employed, he/she may choose to research and describe his/her current employer.  If he/she is not employed, or considering a career transition, he/she may select a company where he/she hopes to work or identify a field of interest (i.e., human resource consulting, higher education administration, executive coaching, etc.). 

Each student should establish a plan for how he/she will further develop his/her skills over the next year (12 months).

Part II:  Talent Management Style (Personal Analysis)

In Part II, students should write about what they have learned about their own talent management style, what they plan to do to make adjustments and improvements, and areas of strengths they hope to utilize in their future role.  Students should follow the question format described below (although modifications may be proposed), or a different question and answer format that students feel comfortable, which could also include a detailed and personalize SWOT analysis.

For example, using what was learned in class from the discussions, instruments, and readings, students should do a complete analysis of their style and effectiveness.  What has each student learned about his/herself?  What areas does he/she need to work on to be a more effective talent manager?  When he/she finishes his/her degree, what does the student aspire to become?

Because HR professionals work and operate within diverse environments, students must also examine their values in a cultural-diverse environment.  Valuing diversity recognizes differences between people and acknowledges that these differences are a valued asset, and part of an individual’s talent management inventory.  Valuing diversity can be measured at three levels:

  • Cognitive: Knowledge and understanding of the concepts and issues related to diversity.
  • Affective: Appreciation and respect of the similarities and differences among people.
  • Behavioral: Building positive relationships with “different people”.

This is the most important part of the paper, and it should be very specific and detailed, and should include specific opportunities the student will create for his/herself, skills he/she will work upon improving and specific ways in which he/she will develop and use his/her skills, abilities, and talents.  The focus of this portion of the paper should be on continuous self-development initiatives.

Part III:  Interview Section – Talent Management Approaches of the Leaders in the Field/Organization

In Part III, and in order to gain insight, students are required to interview a minimum of two (2) individuals who are members/representatives of the field and/or organization that the student has selected in Part I.  This information can be obtained through interviews with those in the organization/field, a review of professional association websites, etc. The overall goal of this part of the paper is to place the student’s development in a specific context, and to examine the values of a cultural-diverse environment.  Possible interview questions are as follows:

Questions to be answered could include (but are not limited to, based on students preference): 

  • What is the overall mission of those in this field or organization?
  • What common values do they seem to hold? 
  • Who are the major players or figures in this field/organization?  
  • What challenges is it currently facing?
  • How do you define values in a culturally-diverse environment?

In addition, students will need to use their judgment here to describe the talent management techniques of leaders in the field/organization.  Questions to be answered could include (but are not limited to, based on the students preference):

  • What have been the major talent management initiatives requiring strong leadership in the past 3-5 years? 
  • What actions have failed or could have been improved? 
  • What is the future vision of this field/organization and how are leaders shaping the talent management system in the direction of the vision?
  • What role does diversity and inclusion play in the overall decision-making of your organization?
  • What talent management initiatives are lacking in this field/organization? 
  • What skills, behaviors and characteristics are necessary for people to be successful in this field?  

*Note: the word “organization” may replace field if a specific organization is selected for analysis.

Successful completion of this assignment should include the following components (and all components need to be in APA format 7th edition):

  • Title page (one page)
  • Abstract page (one page)
  • Introduction to the assignment (approx. one/two paragraphs)
  • Part I:  An Analysis of Context (approx. 1-2 pages)
  • Part II:  Talent Management Style/Personal Analysis (approx. 2-3 pages)
  • Part III:  Interview Section – Talent Management Approaches of the Leaders in the Field/Organization (approx. 3-4 pages)
  • Conclusion section (approx. one/two paragraphs)
  • Reference page (approx. 1-2 pages)

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