
This course aims to analyze and evaluate agile project management in a continuously changing environment. Case studies offer a meaningful way to apply this type of learning. Review the Case Studies from Cobb’s Chapter 18, pages 289-301, and pick one Company (A, B, or C). Provide a comprehensive response to the following prompt.

Discussion Prompt:

  • Review the Case Studies from Cobb’s Chapter 18, pages 289-301, and pick one Company (A, B, or C). Provide a comprehensive response to the following prompt.
  • Why do you think organizations fail to implement an Agile Project Management approach?


  • Discussion #2 content from the following reading assignment: Chapter 18 in Cobb’s The Project Manager’s Guide to Mastering Agile
  • Grading Criteria: 20 Points
    • First, you will share your initial discussion post earlier in the module to save enough time for class discussion. Your response should be a thorough analysis by relating or comparing key concepts and drawing a conclusion or state point of view with supportive evidence/examples. Your response should be about 100 words and include at least three references, meeting  APA (Links to an external site.) guidelines.
    • Second, you will read your peers’ posts and respond to at least two of their posts.
    • Third, your instructor will respond to your post as a peer. There would be no additional feedback for grading comments except for missing any posts.

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