The information provided in this design specification outlines the stakeholder and audience needs for the Paradigm Pet Professionals website.

Business Requirements

1. Stakeholder Needs

The owners of Paradigm Pet Professionals are looking for a site that is easy to navigate and makes the content readable and easy to understand. They want to provide basic pet care advice for the most common type of pets and encourage site visitors to contact them for one-on-one consultations with “Pexperts” regarding additional pet health concerns. To properly reply to consultation requests, they need to know the following about the user: name, phone number, email address, and time zone. Additionally, they want to know the pet’s name, type, and age. It is important that their site adheres to accessibility standards and offers an optimal experience on all device sizes. The owners also want the site to implement consistent branding that clarifies their values. Their site goal is to have 100,000 new visitors to the site within one year and schedule 150 new consults within one year.

To help reach its site goal, Paradigm Pet Professionals aims to be on the first page of search engine results when pet owners search for “new pet consultation” or “new pet care consultation.” In nine months, it plans to expand the site content to offer tips for first-time pet owners that will help them through the first week of bringing home their pet.

2. User Personas

Existing Pages – Update existing web pages on the website according to each of the following user personas:

  • ALL SITE VISITORS landing on the home page are interested in an overview of what the company does. First-time visitors will often leave the site completely if the layout does not easily identify the information available on the site and link to its pages within the website. Users landing on the home page view the site using desktop and handheld devices.
  • CAT OWNERS are looking to understand the feeding needs for their cat based on type of cat, age, diet, and other preferences. Many users use a desktop device for their research. They are interested in recommendations about the best foods to meet their cat’s health at any stage.
  • DOG OWNERS are interested in the activity needs of their puppy throughout its lifetime. They are often viewing the website from a handheld device as they are working with their puppy. They want to understand how play can support the dog’s health and are interested in recommendations about pet toys that encourage physical activity.

New Pages – Add one new page to the website based on one of the following user personas:

  • BIRD OWNERS are interested in the relational needs of their bird to ensure proper well-being. These owners often view the site using desktop devices.
  • FISH OWNERS are interested in fresh and saltwater testing and maintenance based on the type of fish they house in their aquarium. These owners often view the site using handheld devices.
  • SMALL-ANIMAL OWNERS are interested in learning about suitable housing for their pets. They research animal characteristics and products so they can make decisions about the environment in which to house their pet. These owners often view the site using handheld devices.

3. Website Content

Please use the following content for the development of the website content, sitemap, and prototype:

A. Home Page Content

Pets are nature’s gift to humanity. It has been scientifically proven that opening our homes and hearts to a pet increases our longevity and improves our overall quality of life as well as the lives of our pets. At Pet Paradigm Professionals, our mission is to offer resources to help you care for your furry, scaly, feathery, and slimy loved ones. Our pet experts—or “Pexperts”—have been working with pet owners and professionals alike for the past twelve years. They offer one-on-one consultations with current and prospective pet owners as well as group presentations designed for veterinary, pet shelter, and pet breeding professionals.

Looking for basic pet care advice for the most common type of pets? Need additional help determining which type of pet is right for you and your family? We will work with you and provide tailored evidence-based pet care to ensure lifelong health and wellness of your new companion.

Looking for your new best friend? The following organizations can help you find and adopt the perfect companion:

We are also happy to help you navigate the adoption process! We will guide you through each step in the process from determining which type of pet is best suited for your family and home environment, to completing the necessary paperwork, to bringing your new loved one home. Please fill out our contact form to request a consultation. We will contact you within 48 hours to schedule a consultation. All fields are required.

B. Cat Page Content

Cats were first domesticated around 7500 BCE in the western Asia region and are currently the second most popular domestic pet in the United States. While there are over 60 unique documented cat breeds, care and diet can differ between breeds. However, some diets and practices are generally recommended for the well-being of your fluffy family member regardless of breed.


Zero to Four Weeks

It is important the queen (a term commonly used for a female cat that is either pregnant or nursing) directly nurse her young if possible. Monitor your kitten’s growth closely to make sure its growth rate is progressing steadily. If any kitten is not growing at a sufficient rate, a caretaker might need to feed the kitten directly either with a bottle or a feeding tube. Some reasons why kittens might not gain weight appropriately include the following:

  • too many other siblings are competing for mom’s milk
  • gastrointestinal disease
  • environmental conditions such as extreme heat or cold, or unsanitary conditions

Four Weeks to One Year

Kittens can start being introduced to soft wet kitten food typically around three to four weeks after birth. According to the ASPCA, kittens at this age should eat half to one cup of dry kitten food or six to nine ounces of wet kitten food per day. If your kitten has difficulties eating hard food, a small amount of water can be added to soften the food. Cat food that is optimized for kittens provides the additional nutrients that are needed for growth, energy, and wellness. Depending on the breed, your cat may have different dietary requirements. You should always consult with your veterinarian for recommendations.


One Year to Seven Years

This age is when kittens reach the cat stage and do not need as many nutrients. At this age, their level of activity decreases, and so does their metabolism. It is not recommended to leave food out for the cats all day. Instead, provide food a couple times a day so they eat meals rather than snacking throughout the day. This practice reduces the risk of obesity and other weight-related feline ailments.


Seven Years and More

Much like many living organisms, the body begins to deteriorate and experience a lot of changes. Cats at this age should eat less fats and calories and more quality proteins. This means when you are purchasing packaged foods for your cat, look for food that states a particular protein (such as “salmon”) and not just a category (such as fish). This usually means they are byproducts, or combinations, of lesser quality proteins.

C. Dog Page Content

The domestic dog is an extremely social animal and offers a diverse variety of choices as there are well over 300 breeds recognized by the World Canine Organization. Adopting a dog offers mutual benefits between dog and owner. Many studies cite the social benefits of having a companion as well as the reduced feelings of loneliness from adopting a dog. Studies even show medical indicators such as reduced blood pressure and improved lipid profiles. If you have a dog, it is important to make sure that you care for your dog; be mindful of what you feed your dog and provide enough opportunities for exercise. In this page, you will find more information about how to care for your pets throughout the various stages of their lives.


Diet & Exercise

Throughout dogs’ lifespans, they should generally be fed fewer meals as they mature. Puppies should be nursed the first two months, then introduced to three meals per day when they are about three to six months years old. Their food intake should be reduced to two meals per day when they are six months to one year old and finally reduced to one meal after they reach one year old. And a dog’s typical body mass is composed of somewhere between 60 and 70 percent water. The ASPCA says just a 10 percent decrease in body water can cause illness, and a 15 percent loss can cause death, so make sure you keep your pooch hydrated!

Much like humans, dogs need to have a healthy level of activity to keep their organs healthy, as well as sun and fresh air. The minimum recommended time for exercise varies greatly with breed and size differences, but generally a range of 30–120 minutes of exercise is recommended per day! Can you imagine exercising two hours per day? OK, I know that wouldn’t bother some of you reading this. But the thought of it to me makes me cringe! And by the way, exercising your dog does not mean you are being challenged to a push-up contest. Brisk walks are OK too! You can also choose from a variety of toys to encourage physical activity; just be sure they are age appropriate and do not pose a choking hazard. Pay careful attention to toys that require supervision.


Grooming & Handling

Keeping your furry family member clean is important to its health. So be sure to brush frequently to reduce the amount of shedding and prevent matted and tangled fur that can prove to be extremely difficult to remove. Check for insects such as ticks and fleas, especially after visiting heavily wooded areas. Bathing is not only important to your dog’s health but can be an exercise depending on how strong willed the dog is. Rinse all of the soap out, as any residual soap can result in a rash. Be sure the soap is formulated for your puppy or dog, since harsh soaps can cause allergic reactions. And as always, be careful how you handle your loved one. No matter the size of your dog, you need to be cautious as you carry your canine. If you have a small dog, then cradle the pup with one hand under the chest and the forearm supporting the back half. If it is a large dog, reach under the belly with both your arms perpendicular to the dog, and use each arm to support the chest and rear as you lift.


Vaccinations & Medications

You should always consult with your veterinarian, but there is a core set of vaccines that are typically recommended. Vaccines that reduce the exposure risk to things such as hepatitis, rabies, and parvovirus. Others may be determined by your vet depending on the environment in which the dog resides. Some of these include Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Leptospira bacteria.

New Pages

A. Bird Page Content

Birds are very intriguing creatures as they can range from birds as small as a Cuban bee hummingbird (about two inches long and a little over 1/20 of an ounce) to as large as an ostrich. While most birds fly, there are some that don’t. Birds are amazing and each breed is unique in its own way, particularly when it comes to their relational needs and well-being. Unfortunately, birds can experience sadness and depression just like humans. A number of root causes may be responsible for your bird’s depression such as an illness (either physical or mental), losing its companion, or increasingly becoming bored. Some signs to help identify if your bird is experiencing depression may include the following:

  • reduced appetite
  • becoming increasingly irritable
  • aggressive behavior
  • songs have a different, more solemn tone

Be sure to tell your veterinarian if you see signs of any of these symptoms. Just like many illnesses, identifying and treating the symptoms earlier may drastically increase the lifespan of your birdie.

B. Fish Page Content

Fish represent a broad class of aquatic animals that can live in fresh or saltwater, depending on the species. Bringing fish into your home can be an exciting hobby, especially if you intend to breed them, and the presence of a fish tank in your home can induce feelings of peace and tranquility.

Whether you are bringing your fish home for the first time or maintaining your aquarium, it is important to test your water once per week to ensure it is free from toxins that can harm your fish.

Freshwater Fish

There are several freshwater fish to choose from when setting up your aquarium, but it is best to consult with a “Pexpert” to ensure your fish will get along! No matter the species, ensure your fish are suited for a freshwater environment by investing in a water testing kit. Follow these general water chemistry guidelines to ensure your fish will adapt well to your aquarium and avoid ingesting toxins that can harm or kill your fish:

  • pH Level: 6.8–7.6 (7.0 is considered neutral)
  • Ammonia: any level above zero is harmful to fish
  • Nitrates: 5 to 10 ppm
  • Nitrites: less than 0.5 ppm

Saltwater Fish

Saltwater fish also offer several options when it comes to choosing among species for your aquarium. As with freshwater fish, consult with a “Pexpert” to ensure your fish will get along are suited for a saltwater environment. Following these general guidelines to avoid dangerous water conditions and ensure the appropriate salinity level for your fishies:

  • Salinity: 1.020–1.028 sg
  • pH Level: 7.6–8.4 (7.0 is considered neutral)
  • Ammonia: any level above 0.1 ppm requires attention
  • Nitrates: 10 to 40 ppm
  • Nitrites: less than 0.2 ppm

For more information on making your tap water safe for your fish, please visit:

C. Small-Animal Owners Content

Sometimes we want a pet in our life but think it’s impossible because we are not home enough to take care of it, or we don’t have enough room. Consider adopting a small animal such as a hermit crab, mouse, gerbil, hamster, guinea pig, or even a chinchilla! Depending on which type of animal you adopt, you can provide a comfortable environment using anything from small to large cages or glass aquariums. You will also need to provide amenities for your new pet, such as bedding or substrate, toys, an exercise wheel, a water dish or drip bottle, a food dish, and grooming equipment. You also need to consider if your new pet will need a friend or if it will be happy living alone. Our “Pexperts” are here to help you decide which pet is right for you and how to provide them with a happy home. Schedule a consultation with us today!

Here are some resources to get you started:

Guinea Pig Care:

Mouse Care:

Hermit Crab Care:

Chinchilla Care:

Gerbil Care:

Hamster Care:

4. Company Overview and Brand:

  • Business Name: Paradigm Pet Professionals
  • Slogan: Evidence-based pet care advice for every pet lover
  • Brand Values: Paradigm Pet Professionals has 12 years’ experience working with pet owners, certifications in pet health and nutrition, and customer recognition for outstanding support
  • Services: virtual consultations and presentations, one-on-one consultations concerning individual pets, group presentations regarding general pet care (can be tailored to the needs of the group)

As part of the redesign of the website and the company’s new branding, a new logo is provided in section 5 (Images). Please use the new logo in your redesign of the website. 

The new branding is using a new color scheme. Color speaks about a brand and is used as an expression of the brand identity. Color influences consumers and gives feelings of emotions, excitement, curiosity, etc. The primary colors were carefully selected to identify the brand and should be used in your design as listed:

Primary colors:

Midnight Blue – #003B6D

Blue Sky- #6699CC

Secondary colors:

Dim gray – #676767

Silver- #BDBDBD

  • Select from the colors listed to use for the following page elements:
  • Header bar, navigation bar, line breaks, text such as Title/Header for H1 and H2 Levels, body text colors, and link text colors
  • Keep in mind any accessibility issues that prevents users with disabilities from using the website such as font size, the contrast between text color and background, and so on.

5. Images

Please use any of the following public domain/stock photos from, which are free to use and do not have any copyrights associated with them.

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