Review the Objectives for Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.). Using a specific example, discuss the changes since Healthy People 2020.  How does this national initiative stimulate disease prevention and health promotion agendas? How does it influence health? How does it fit into your philosophy?

Discussion Rubric – DQ1
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginal Posting The listed criteria represent half of the discussion forum participation grade. These percentages are based on the quality of the Original Posting.50 to >40.0 pts Exceptional Original The discussion posting provides strong, well-thought out, substantive comments which clearly address the requirements. No errors occur in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Scholarly resources are used to answer the question and are included at the end of the posting in correct APA format. Postings are placed in the correct location before the deadline expires. 40 to >30.0 pts Superior Original The discussion posting provides adequate and substantive comments and addresses requirements. The posting hinges on being fully developed and begins to address substantive thought. No more than 3 errors occur in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. Resources are used to answer the question (one of which may be the textbook), and are included at the end of the posting in correct APA format. Postings are placed in the correct location before the deadline expires. 30 to >20.0 pts Fair Original The discussion posting provides adequate comments and addresses requirements but posting may not be fully developed and may be lacking in substantive thoughts. More than 3 errors occur in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. References are included at the end of the posting. Postings are placed in the correct location before the deadline expires. 20 to >10.0 pts Good Original The discussion posting provides comments and addresses requirements but posting is superficial and does not reflect substantive thoughts. More than 5 errors occur in grammar, punctuation, or spelling. No references are cited. Postings are placed in the correct location before the deadline expires. 10 to >0.0 pts Poor Original The discussion posting contains an insufficient amount of writing to determine if the writer was attempting to address the required posting. Errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling are so numerous as to make reading the review burdensome. Postings are placed in the correct location before the deadline expires. 0 pts Unacceptable Original The posting addresses points of the topic that have been previously discussed and offers no new information. The discussion posting was made after the deadline has expired.50 pts

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