1. A )What blood tests would be ordered in a workup for acute coronary syndrome(ACS)?
1. B) Explain what information each test provides. Which cardiac biomarker is the preferred test of choice for patients with ACS?

2. For the next two questions, you will need to evaluate an EKG. The best approach is to apply the same systematic approach to each EKG. Answer these questions for each case.
Rate: Fast or slow?
Rhythm: Sinus or not? Narrow complexes or wide?
Intervals: PR and QT normal or prolonged
P wave: Normal sinus axis? Atrial enlargement?
QRS: Axis shift? Q waves? Ventricular hypertrophy? Bundle branch block?
The ST segment: Elevation or depression?

With this question, we have to use an SVT rhythm EKG and sinus Brady EKG strips unless you have other suggestions.

3.A 57-year-old male patient of Italian heritage presents to the clinic complaining of a nagging intermittent feeling of indigestion and heartburn for the past several days. Self-treated with a dose of Mylanta without relief. He is mildly overweight and inactive, with a 40-pack-year history of smoking. He admits he doesn’t like going to the doctor, but his wife was concerned and insisted he come today.

3. Address the specific questions you would ask in the HPI including OLD CARTS and associated symptoms, PMH, PSH, family history, health habits, health maintenance, and ROS providing rationale for each. MLO6.5, CLO1, CLO2, CLO4

O –
L –
D –
C –
A –
R –
S –

Please use this format to answer the old carts question. Thanks

Instructional Materials – Required Textbook Readings-5
Edmunds Section Five, pp. 210-225;
Dains: Chapters 8, 11, 13, 14, 26, 33
Cooper & Frain: Chapter 5
Ball et al.: Chapters 15,16
Williamson & Snyder: Chapter 3

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