Article Selection

Choose one of the following nursing journal articles. View PDF list .


Write a concise summary (no longer than three pages) of the article, including key points about the pathology of the disease, nursing and medical management, and application of information to your professional nursing practice.

Submit a single document with summary, reference citation, answers to the test, and rubric. Use APA formatting and cite the journal article appropriately. Make sure to double space the document and use correct grammar and spelling.

NOTE: Supplement your summary by citing at least one other reference to support your analysis. The textbook can be used as this reference.

Most of these articles can be found through the library O. database – search by journals, then year, volume, and issue number. The journal article and test are listed separately in the Ovid database. Save a copy of each to your desktop. If you do not find the article in Ovid, go to ProQuest or EBSCO host databases. You do not need to pay for these services.

Due Date

Submit your summary


Nursing Journal Continuing Education Assignment Rubric

Nursing Journal Continuing Education Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary: Key points regarding pathophysiology, patient-centered medical and nursing management, and application to nursing practice25.0 pts Fully Meets Criteria The summary contains all required content. 12.5 pts Partially Meets Criteria The summary contains partial required content. 0.0 pts Does Not Meet Criteria The summary is missing much of the required content.25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA format for grammar and references5.0 pts Fully Meets Criteria The paper is properly formatted. It uses appropriate language and contains no grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors. At least one other resource is utilized in the summary. 2.5 pts Partially Meets Criteria The paper contains some formatting errors. The paper uses appropriate language and contains a few grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors and/or utilizes at least one other supporting reference. 0.0 pts Does Not Meet Criteria The project does not present proper formatting. It also may not use appropriate language and contains numerous grammar, spelling, or mechanical errors and/or does not utilize at least one other supporting reference.5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCE Test20.0 pts Fully Meets Criteria CE test is complete and submitted with supporting quiz answers and less than 10% of the quiz questions were missed. 10.0 pts Partially Meets Criteria CE test is partially complete and/or 25% to 45% of quiz answers were missed. 0.0 pts Does Not Meet Criteria CE test is not completed and/or more than 50% of the quiz answers were missed.20.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0

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