Directions: Read the attached articles, and please take some time to write through the following questions:
- McCormack, C. (2000). From interview transcript to interpretive story: Part 1 &2. Field Methods, 12(4), 282-315.
- McCormack, C. (2000). From interview transcript to interpretive story: Part 2—Developing an interpretive story. Field Methods, 12(4), 298-315.
- Nasheeda, A., Abdullah, H.B., Krauss, S.E. & Ahmed, N.B. (2019). Transforming Transcripts into Stories: A Multimethod Approach to Narrative Analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1-9.
- Kim, J-H. Narrative data analysis and interpretation: “Flirting” with data. In Understanding narrative inquiry (p. 185-226). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Frost, N. (2009). “Do you know what I mean?” The use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview. Qualitative Research, 9(1), 9-29.
- Masny, D. (2013). Rhizoanalytic pathways in qualitative research. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(5), 339-348. (Online via library database)
- Jackson, A.Y., & Mazzei, L.A. (2012). Introduction and chapter 1. In Thinking with theory in qualitative research: Viewing data across multiple perspectives (pp. vii-14). New York, NY: Routledge.
- :Rosiek, J. L & Heffernan, J. (2014). Can’t code what the community can’t see: A case of the erasure of heteronormative harassment. Qualitative Inquiry, 20(6), 726-733.
1.What is the overall purpose of narrative analysis?
2.How is it similar to and different from coding and thematic analysis?
Describe the different approaches to narrative analysis covered by our readings.
3.Which of these approaches might be well-suited for the data you intend to collect and why?
To help you with this question, I have given you a background of what I plan to research. You can select the approach that best fits the (background research below)
Background of my Research
This proposal examines the perceptions of Black male high school students in regard to their experiences with being disciplined at school. Numerous studies have been conducted that examine Black male students’ educational journey, demonstrating that this group experiences more difficulties in terms of receiving disciplinary infractions that can unfortunately cause them to have to be enrolled in alternative high schools (Howard et al., 2012; Meek & Austin, 2019). In fact, Black male students suffer disproportionately compared to their White peers, which subsequently contributes to the existing gap in educational equality (Owens & McLanahan, 2020). There are many underlying reasons for this unfair treatment of Black male students, including being stereotyped and misunderstood (Bell, 2020; Gershenson et al., 2016). Specifically, both implicit bias and systemic racism are contributing factors to this existing discipline gap (Dow, 2019; Skiba et al., 2010). Low-income neighborhoods are linked with higher rates of crime, unemployment, and poverty, creating hostile environments that are not conducive to learning (Devenish et al., 2017). As these racial groups are more likely to come from low socioeconomic families and live in poverty, it makes them at increased risk of experiencing unfair disciplinary action in comparison to more affluent groups (Morris & Perry, 2016; Owens & McLanahan, 2020).
There are many negative outcomes associated with exclusionary discipline for Black male students. For example, when these young students are unfairly disciplined, it can seriously jeopardize their academic performance, while also reducing opportunities for post-secondary education, such as going to college after graduating high school (Brown et al., 2009). In fact, Black male students in high schools face four primary struggles: poverty, disproportionate school discipline, negative perceptions and implicit bias, as well as shifting expectations (Devenish et al., 2017; Gregory et al., 2019). Overall, these variables significantly influence how difficult these students have it in school, contributing to their unfair treatment (Gregory et al., 2019). The result is a cycle of academic problems and disciplinary infractions, with Black male students winding up being placed in alternative high schools (Gershenson et al., 2016).
However, when Black male high school students have educators who understand them and are willing to meet their academic and social needs, it significantly reduces the number of exclusionary punishments they receive (Brown et al., 2009; Edmonds, 2022; Murphy & Zirkel, 2015). It is imperative to more closely examine this disproportionate representation of Black male students in alternative high schools, as there is a need to further investigate how these students perceive their unfair treatment as well as culturally responsive approaches to addressing this issue (Pena-Shaff et al., 2019; Shahrawat & Shahrawat, 2017; Smith, 2019). Only through acknowledging this existing knowledge gap can the perceptions of this vulnerable group be better understood, which can subsequently help to identify evidence-based methods for alleviating this racial gap in the education system. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate the perceptions of Black male students who have graduated from alternative high schools, addressing the negative repercussions associated with this issue, such as negative insights and experiences, low graduation rates, and disproportionate suspension rates. Their perceptions will be compared to Black male students who did not graduate, enabling the researchers to gain deeper insights into the phenomenon.
Directions: Practice 1-2 of the methods you read during the assignment; use the childbirth data (childbirth transcription) to write through the following:
4.What did you do?
5.How did it work?
6.What did you like about it?
7.What didn’t you like and why?