Research Project & Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this research is to focus on how narcissism in two different subcategories (classified-independent variable) may manipulate and connive another individual, resulting in abuse (criterion-intervening variable) in interrelationships of healthy individuals (classified-dependable variable). After some further investigation, the topic will be narrowed from abroad ‘interrelationship with healthy individuals’ to that of romantic partners.

Using the guidelines in Chapters 5 & 6 of the textbook (measuring social life & the survey; from Understanding Research 2nd Edition Pearson), create 5 survey questions that directly relate to your research project and hypotheses in an order you deem appropriate. Then, describe the following:

Describe how your questions test your hypotheses. What are you operationalizing?
Describe your measure. Are they scales or indices, if so did you use one from the book (i.e., index construction, Likert, Borgadus, Semantic Differential, Guttman)? What are their levels of measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio)?
Justify why your survey questions are good survey question using the standards on page 156-67 (i.e., reliability, multiple indicators, validity: face, content, criterion). Be sure to include references to how you plan to control for order effects, social desirability bias, leading questions in addition to the other important elements of your survey.
Your paper must be at least 1000 words-NOT including references (approx. 4 pages at 12 point, Times New Roman, double-spaced)

APA format with a correctly formatted title page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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