Submit your final research paper that will compare and contrast two different types of platforms. A platform is a type of UAS; for example, compare and contrast a Predator B and the FireScout. The UAS you choose must be from two different manufacturers.

In your paper, you should discuss the types of systems, capabilities, structures, limitations, payloads, support equipment, and users. It is not enough to merely list what is the same and what is different. Why is it important to see what is the same and what is different? Compare and contrast essays promote critical thinking. Ensure you apply critical thinking; do not just list or discuss two separate UAS. The following requirements must be followed in your research paper. 


Compare and contrast both UAS together, throughout the whole paper.
The research paper will be a minimum of five pages and a maximum of 10 pages in APA format.
The title page, abstract, and reference page do not count in the 5-10 pages.
Identify and cite a minimum of four references, and add them to the reference page at the end of the paper.
For more information on writing your research paper, review the Research Guidance page. 

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

Note: Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. 

For this assignment, I would like to study the MQ-1 Predator vs. RQ-4 Global Hawk.

References/website include: 
MQ-1B Predator. (2015, September 23). Retrieved November 2, 2019, from

RQ-4 Global Hawk. (2014, October 27). Retrieved November 2, 2019, from

Starosta, G., & Drew, J. (2014). USAF releases RQ-4 flying-hour data as it presses for U-2retirement. InsideDefense.Com’s SitRep, 

Thompson, J. (2018). Sunsetting the MQ-1 predator: A history of innovation. (). Washington: Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc. Retrieved from ProQuest Central Retrieved from

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