Review this scenario:
Your organization, the Grand City Medical Center, has secured a deal to merge with a smaller hospital, City Memorial, located in a neighboring town. Your informatics team is tasked with analyzing the EMR system that City Memorial has in place and reviewing the data security, policies for ensuring that the data is secure, and the facility’s network security. You will compile your findings in a report presented to the chief information officer next week.
Assignment: Based on the scenario above, identify the items that you would include in your assessment and explain why.
Describe the policies that you would expect to find.
Explain the network security challenges faced when facilities and database systems are merged.
Recommend two strategies for securing data and the network. Be specific and provide examples.
Analyze the relationship between best practices for securing data and healthcare institutions. Be specific and provide examples.
Support your work with references from this week’s Learning Resources and your articles

Cherry, D. (2015). Securing SQL server: Protecting your database from attackers. Waltham, MA: Syngress. 
Chapter 1, “Identifying Security Requirements” (pp. 1–6) 
Chapter 2, “Securing the Network” (pp. 7–46) They are in (pdfs below)
Ebru Celikel Cankaya, Than Kywe,
A Secure Healthcare System: From Design to Implementation,
Procedia Computer Science,
Volume 62,
Pages 203-212,
ISSN 1877-0509,
( (in pdf below)
M. M. Kamruzzaman, “Architecture of Smart Health Care System Using Artificial Intelligence,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), London, United Kingdom, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICMEW46912.2020.9106026.

Khan, S. H. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Setups: Pros and Cons and Way for Ward to Manage. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 70(2), 635–639. (Pdf in files)
Other scholarly peer reviewed articles may be used if the last two don’t help, first 3 are course resources that need to be used as well

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