Review the mini case 2 data file that represents a product development project.  The project is now in month 14 of an 18-month project. Your team is a contracting company that has taken on this project as a fixed price contract. The file contains earned value, pricing data, and schedule data.

The project sponsor wants to know:

  • What is the current earned value status for PV, AC, and EV?
  • What is the projected spend for the project and is it over or under budget?
  • What is the current profit margin for the project?
  • What is the % complete of the project?
  • How much profit will your company make at the current run rate?

Before creating the visuals, open the spreadsheet and finish the computations for schedule variance (SV), cost variance (CV), estimate to complete (ETC), and to complete performance index (TCPI).  Use to review how EV measures are used and computed. Your role is to create visuals that focus on addressing the project sponsor’s questions.

Each visual should be labeled appropriately with the correct context to address the business questions identified. Make sure you leverage proper use of color, titles, legends, and charts.

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