Please answer both questions. Write a maximum of 5 pages, double-spaced for each question. Please add a bibliography of all sources you cite separately for each question. Also, use your spellchecker.

  1. On page 39 Abraham writes “Not only do the poor get sicker but the sick get poorer.” For this question, first explain Abraham’s statement using examples from Mama Might Be Better Off Dead, 2. Using the Link and Phelan, Marmot, Timmermans and Buchbinder, and Fadiman readings explain how socio-economic status is a fundamental cause of disease in US health care, 3. Finally, explain what is needed to change the relationship between socio-economic status and health and apply your suggestions to the Abraham book.
  • Drawing from the readings, section discussions, and outside sources, examine how the socialization of physicians may create recurring dilemmas in patient care, patient-doctor interaction, managing disability, and cultural-structural competency. 1. Describe how the socialization of physicians reinforces a particular medical perspective. 2. Next, examine how this perspective generates recurring dilemmas within health care institutions. 3. How do patients view these issues? How do health care providers see the issues? 4. How are the dilemmas usually resolved? 5. What can be done to bring a stronger patient perspective to bear on these dilemmas?

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