Imagine that you are a marketing specialist at a media company. Over the past few years, you have been researching how TV viewers use mobile phones and other devices while watching TV. You want to find out as much as you can about what other researchers, experts, and commentators say about trends in this area as you prepare a strategy brief for your executive team. Specifically, you want to know how TV viewers use mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile devices while watching sports events. You have collected a variety of information, and you want to evaluate the strength of these sources in terms of relevance and expertise for your research problem.

Select three sources of research that you would use in preparing a strategy for your team from the provided list. 

Sources of Research:

White paper about TV
Article about Twitter
Scholarly journal article
A newspaper article
A blog post
A book
Wall Street Journal article
A Wikipedia post

Discuss in 700 to 1050 words the pros and cons of each source, and include why the three selected sources of research are the best three to use to develop your strategy. 

Ensure your discussion is written in a professional manner for your team.

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