Title: Managing in a constantly evolving technological global environment.

(Word Count: 3000 words)

Brief: Using appropriate academic references (at least 4), and an organisation of your choice (Apple or Amazon)

  • assess the impact global factors can have on local businesses and communities
  • together with the effect that information technology has on assisting with solving them.

Your report should include and reflect on, but not be limited to;

  • the various issues relating to the evolution of change technology, the frequency of change and its consequential impact on a business,
  • the issues relating to government policy and international politics, the difficulties of available skills in the market, changes in social culture as well as the willingness of employees to embrace change.

Your submission should be an academic report that critically reflect upon all aspects of managing in a constantly evolving technological environment.


1. Explain the functions of managers within the context of the digital age.

2. Identify and describe how Information Technologies are used to manage information, big data, knowledge, and processes to achieve competitive advantage.

3. Describe the key leadership and management issues a manager or leader could face within the digital age.

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