Do the following and submit a Word file with your answers.

1. Collect and explain at least three (3) metonymic phrases or sentences from your everyday surroundings and explain how the metonymies work. The metonymic expressions can be in Swedish or English. They can occur online or in printed form, in newspapers or magazines, in advertisements, novels etc. To give an example, I found an online advertisement that said “Billigaste flyg i SE – Alla flygbolag i en sökning”. There, the word flygbolag metonymically stands for their flights. For more examples of metonymies, see the document “Metonymy and metaphor in sentences_KEY” on Canvas. (The document can be found under “3. Conceptual metaphors and metonymies (week 39)”.)  

2. Do exercise 5 from page 132 in Ungerer and Schmid, reprinted here: “Collect animal metaphors like He is a real pig or She is a bitch from a dictionary and explain them with the notions ‘source’ and ‘target concept’.” Collect at least three (3) metaphors.

3. Read chapter two “Metaphors of emotion” from Zoltán Kövecses’s book Metaphor and Emotion: Language, Culture, and Body in Human Feeling (Cambridge University Press 2000). Then choose an emotion, for example, fear or happiness, and consider its metaphors. Do the same metaphors for that emotion occur in Swedish (or any other language you know, apart from English)? Alternatively, try to come up with more English examples of the metaphors listed by Kövecses for your chosen emotion. Give at least three (3) examples.

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