Students are expected to read and review historical and recent research on their problem when developing a literature review. Students should find 20-25 sources within the reference section of their paper. Research sources may include books, peer reviewed publications, government publications and professional trade journals. I would suggest using EBSCO, NCJRS, BJA, ONDCP, OJJDP, FirstGov, and other credible websites. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ALLOWED. Any online sources other than these do require the student to contact the instructor so the credibility of the website can be assessed. This assignment should be 7-8 pages and completed in APA format and include a title and reference page. The title and reference page do not count toward to the page total. Please don’t include the attachments in the page count but add it to the paper. I need an additional 7 pages outside of the Introduction to the paper which I am attaching. Please email if you have any questions. I will not be available by phone, please contact me by email.

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