For this assignment you will be conducting a search of leisure and recreation services available to adults over the age of 65 within a geographical area (city or state) of your choice (ideally a place you imagine you will live after retirement or where your parents or family members may live). This means you will conduct research, most likely via the world wide web, to find out what leisure and recreation services are available. You may also use travel magazines, local park district/department brochures, tourism materials, and any materials you find useful and informative, just make sure you reference them appropriately.

You will submit the results of your search as a newsletter or blog at least 3 double-spaced pages or 900 words long that promotes or attempts to inform older adults of the opportunities in their area. Your newsletter/blog should consist of:

What is available (be sure to clearly identify your geographical area) (10)

Where it is available (5)

When it is available (is this an ongoing program, special event, seasonal, etc?) (5)

For Whom the activities/services are designed (e.g. abilities required; intergenerational, etc.) (10)

Why someone might be interested / benefits provided by this activity/service (15)

What is missing? 
what you see as a gap / missing area of service/opportunity for this age group; and explain why it is needed (consider $, location, type of activity, etc) (10)

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