Select one of the legal topics below and find a related civil or criminal case involving the topic. The case must directly involve a nurse, DO NOT choose a case focused on the negligence of a physician or respiratory therapist. The paper is to reflect your synthesis of the case, the impact on the nurse, and how the result of the case impacts your nursing practice.

List of Topics:

  • Improper delegation
  • Violation of patient confidentiality
  • Actions of unsupervised student nurses
  • Improper medication administration
  • Failure to act or treat
  • Failure to report physician negligence
  • Failure to report nurse negligence
  • Failure to document
  • Failure to assess and monitor
  • Failure to communicate
  • Failure to follow standards of care
  • Duty to question (failure to)
Introduction (15 points)Introduces/Defines/Describes Topics and ConceptsStates and Defines TopicTopic Not defined or Described
Body (60 points)Responds to the following questions/topics: (10 points per item) Identify the selected legal incident.  What legal standards/principles and professional standards were involved? Describe the evidence (e. g. poor documentation or lack thereof) to support the case against the institution and nurse. Discuss the nurse’s role in the legal incident. Describe the end verdict in the case and the implications for the nurse (in regards to nursing licensure).  What should/could the nurse have done differently in this case?Partially responds to questions  (1-39 points)Fails to address questions  (0 points)
Summary  (15 points)Summary  What was learned from this court case that will cause a change in your own practice? (10-15 points)General comments about the subject and some issues (1-9 points)Fails to summarize topic and issues (0 points)

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