Learning Activity: Carbohydrates and Endurance Sports Assignment Instructions


To apply knowledge of carbohydrate metabolism to endurance sports. This Learning Activity will help you make the bridge of knowledge to application.


Dunford M, Doyle JA. Nutrition for Sport and Exercis e. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage; 2019

textbook: https://www.sendspace.com/file/xeydoq


Your goal, based upon the given scenario below, is to create appropriate dietary guidelines that will increase available energy for this athlete. Responses are to be scientifically sound, based upon current literature, and cited when appropriate. Based on the current literature, provide well-thought-out explanations to the following 4-5 talking points. Use the following bolded talking points as headings to your responses.

  1. The physiological response of carbohydrate loading in sports.
  2. The process of carbohydrate loading.
  3. The advantages and disadvantages of various carbohydrate loading techniques.
  4. The timing, amount, and listing of appropriate food sources for carbohydrate loading.
  5. Any additional information needed to explain the why, how, when, and what of carbohydrate loading.

In your submission be sure to include/provide the above corresponding numbered talking points prior to each of your answers/responses. Do not count the words in the questions in your total word count; count only your responses in the word count.

Scenario: The athlete is a 28-year old male wanting to run marathons. He is in good health. He has been running 5K and 10K races for the past two years but is afraid of “hitting the wall” or experiencing some other exhaustive phenomenon.

The required length of this Learning Activity is 500 – 600 words, and should include a minimum of 2 current peer-reviewed sources. If appropriate, information may be bulleted. Formatting should be consistent with the AMA style guide.

Grading Rubric

Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome[Content Criteria]35 to >31.0 pts Advanced Thorough clear presentation of concepts and examples student demonstrated excellent understanding of the following: physiological response of carbohydrate loading in sports, importance of carbohydrate loading, process of carbohydrate loading, advantages and disadvantages of carbohydrate loading, and dietary guidelines for application of carbohydrate loading. 31 to >28.0 pts Proficient Student demonstrated acceptable understanding of the following: physiological response of carbohydrate loading in sports, importance of carbohydrate loading, process of carbohydrate loading, advantages and disadvantages of carbohydrate loading, and dietary guidelines for application of carbohydrate loading. 28 to >0.0 pts Developing Student attempted to explain the following: physiological response of carbohydrate loading in sports, importance of carbohydrate loading, process of carbohydrate loading, advantages and disadvantages of carbohydrate loading, and dietary guidelines for application of carbohydrate loading, but either included several myths, unproven information or lacked the inclusion of proven concepts and provided no examples. 0 pts Not Present35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat15 to >13.0 pts Advanced Proper AMA formatting. Minimum of 2 peer-reviewed resources are cited. Excellent spelling & grammar and word count met. 13 to >12.0 pts Proficient 1-2 errors in AMA formatting. 1-2 peer-reviewed resources. Up to 4 spelling and/or grammar errors. Word count met. 12 to >0.0 pts Developing More than 2 errors in AMA formatting. 1 peer-reviewed resource or less. More than 4 spelling and/or grammar errors. Word count not met. 0 pts Not Present15 pts

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