Assessment Brief

Ass. Item #Assessment Type As stated in CAPS Click on textbox below to select the CAPS Assessment Type  Assessment Description As stated in CAPSWeightingWord count Undergraduate 10% = 300-350 words Postgraduate: 10% = 500 words
2EssayGovernance Topic50 %1750 words

Assessment Task Instructions

The assessment instructions have been designed to enable you to understand what is required to succeed in this assignment.

The aim of this assessment task is to:

  1. The principals and models of clinical governance in the Australian health care setting
  2. Relate how organisational culture, leadership and management can impact the efficacy of governance models


You are required to write an essay addressing the following:

Examine the National Model Clinical Governance Framework, and discuss:

·        how clinical governance influences provision of nursing care,

·        the role of nursing leadership in clinical governance, and 

·        the effect of clinical governance and leadership on organisational culture, safety, patient outcomes, and staffing

What you should include

You are required to include the following: –

  • A title page is required listing your name, student number and unit title and code
  • No table of contents is required, however page numbers are required on each page
  • An introduction outlining what it is that this assessment is going to focus on is required
  • Relevant headings relating to content being discussed situated within the main body of the work
  • A conclusion is also required, concluding this work, with an end text reference list aligning to ECU APA7th

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