Part B Instructions
During an interview, you have to make the case that you are the best candidate for the job you are seeking. The stakes are even higher for positions of leadership.

You have written your leadership framework. Now it is time to present it to a hiring manager or team, so practice, practice, practice. Using your webcam to include yourself in the presentation, create a video of your leadership framework. Rather than read your written framework, use each topic as a prompt for your oral presentation:

Part ONE: Share your philosophy of leadership. Explain it in detail and tell a story of how you would implement it. Talk about the leadership theory your philosophy is based on and explain why that theory resonated with you and supports your core values. Name dropping great leaders who followed the same philosophy would be appropriate here.

Part TWO: Be passionate as you share your beliefs about leadership and inspire your listeners to want to be your followers.

Part THREE: Discuss each of the leadership skills and characteristics that you believe are essential in an effective leader and share examples of how you have developed these skills and characteristics.

Part FOUR: Conclusion. This is where you close the deal. Hiring managers in the room should know what kind of leader you are, want to hire you immediately, and want to follow you.

URL for your YouTube Video
Length: 5 minutes

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