Speech to Persuade
Assignment: Prepare a 3-4 minute persuasive or informational speech to convince or inform your audience to consider a particular point of view, idea, or belief. The speech must have a minimum of three different outside research citations (e.g. newspaper, magazine, web site, book, blog, wiki). Cite the sources in the body of your speech. A visual aid may be incorporated into the speech, but it is not required. Choose from one of the topics listed below. Remember you will be video taping yourself presenting the speech and then upload that video into the drop box.
• The short and long term effects of social distancing after the Corona Virus
• Marijuana should be legalized in states where it is not currently legal.
• Marijuana should not be legalized in states where it is not currently legal.
• Global climate change is a reality and needs to be addressed.
• Global climate change is not real and does not need to be addressed.
• Donald Trump’s presidency to-date has been a success.
• Donald Trump’s presidency to-date has not been a success.
• Violence in the media leads to violence in society.
• Violence in the media does not lead to violence in society.
• Professional athletes are paid too much money.
• Professional athletes deserve any money that they are paid.
• Cross-racial adoptions of children should be allowed.
• Cross-racial adoptions of children should not be allowed.
• Spanking is detrimental to children and should be outlawed.
• Spanking is not detrimental to children and should not be outlawed.
• The minimum wage should be abolished.
• The minimum wage should not be abolished.
For the persuasive speech, you must take one side only. You may not take a middle-of-the-road stand. The speech must have a minimum of three research citations/sources (newspaper article, website, book, scholarly journal article, etc). To ensure credibility cite the sources in the body of your speech. You may incorporate visual aids in your speech, but it is not a requirement. You should be the center of your speech; do not let the visual aids be the predominant focus for your speech.