Associate one file(Genbank) with another file(text, csv or pdf) – grab our text file- useful analysis of a sequence – drag and drop to the primary file – paste as a relation – note appears – list of related files

Check mark means file is checked out- file is moved to the .CERF folder – check out server

Add a new folder in there for “related files” – check the file back in and a new generation of the file will pop up

Checkout folder in the .CERF folder for parent file association

EXE eventually – key deliverable – test application to make this workflow work

Application name – browse to its location from the name

Snap gene viewer – mime type that will support a genbank file

Edit on file to snap geneviewer – wolfgangs class exe – right click on genbank file

Deliverable – readable CERF can read – summary of application performance in PDF file

Double check file can drop it to our desk top – meta data should be in that file – pub med data into that text file

Cross reference to pub med identifier

Unable to index sequence information – snapgene viewer

Export as text 20-30 BP, full text sequence – wont find the genbank file – can already index other files like word file but not genbank files – specific promotor of a gene to find the text file

Searches for chunks of code through indexes – search within the data file but cant get a long file due to Genbanks being long

Set of metadata allows you to research the PDF file which is linked to the genbank file

Pull the file from CERF – analyze the file using our program then upload it back to CERF with our useful information from the code

Application to open a file and put in a specified place (desktop)

Attempting to explain the value to people who don’t know anything.

Your application needs to output a text file CERF can read – text file from the application – take that file and place it in a specific location(Desktop)


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