Activity 1.1: IoT Merits/Demerits

Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of IoT

Activity 1.2: IoT Challenges

What is meant by expressing?

Write down any two challenges of IoT and reflect on how those challenges could be addressed.

Activity 1.3: IoT Applications

Which areas of energy consumption are supported by IoT?

Write down a short note on any three applications of IoT.

Activity 1.4: IoT Facts

Fill in the blanks:

AI is responsible for finding and analysing the trends and patterns for better ______.

______ of different societies will be supported by IoT.

It is easier to make the right decisions if there is more ______ available.

True or false:

Connectivity enables network compatibility but does not provide accessibility. (T/F)

Cognitive IoT technologies embed intelligence into systems. (T/F)

IoT systems only support wireless connections. (T/F)

Activity 2.1: Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)

  1. Briefly explain the OSI reference model.
  • Name the layers of the IoT ecosystem and state their purposes.

Activity 2.2: Data-Link Protocols

  1. What are the types of headers used in 6LoWPAN frames?
  2. What do the columns and rows represent in a channel distribution usage matrix?
  3. What is required for encryption in IPv6 over G.9959?

Activity 2.3: Session-Layer Protocols

  1. What are the main purposes of MQTT?
  2. What are the stages of SMQTT?
  3. What is meant by DDS?
  4. Name the modes of communication in CoAP.

Activity 2.4: Network-Layer Routing Protocols

  1. What is the difference between RPL and CORPL?
  2. Write a short note about DODAG topology and name all the network topologies (research online).
  3. Use online research to list the differences between/among:
  4. TCP and UDP
  5. TDMA, CDMA and FDMA

Activity 3.1: RFID

  1. What does RFID stand for?
    1. What are the three components of an RFID system?
      1. How are RFID tags different from smart labels?
      1. What are the advantages of RFID technology over barcoding? You should research this online (e.g. AB&R 2017).

Activity 3.2: Completion Activity

Fill in the blanks:

______ is a better term for a sensor.

The maximum error that can be produced by a sensor is defined as ______.

IR sensors make the monitoring of ______ and ______ simple.

True or false:

Smart labels are encoded and printed by label printers. (T/F)

Passive RFID systems use battery-powered RFID tags. (T/F)

Mechanical actuators convert rotatory motion into linear motion. (T/F)

Activity 4.1: Open Source Development

Fill in the blanks:

1. Involving ________ in the development process resulted in more safe, effective and efficient products.

2.The new concept of _______________ is using OS development method as the most natural network of innovations.

3.Giving users the opportunity of adding their programs gives them _______ and ______________.

4.Crowdsourcing is different from the _______________________ practice.

5. The concept of living labs is based on the idea of __________.

Activity 4.2: Innovation to Users via Toolkits

  1. Refer to the above content to write down the full forms of: UCD, PD, OS, EUD, IDE, API.
  2. What should the objectives of an effective toolkit be?

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