Students are assigned a writing assignment which is a discussion of a Legal Topic. TheLegal Topic involves a written summary that relates to business and the law, and specifically to the course material covered in the semester. The assignment is worth 60 points of the final grade.The student chooses the topic within an area of law covered in one or more of the chapters covered in the course. The students are encouraged to research current events as reported in written media (not blogs, etc.) when choosing a topic. Upper Court and Supreme Court cases have traditionally been a popular choice for students. The summary must be in paragraph form and include a complete description of the facts, the law and the outcome of the case, and conclusion of the student. As a guide, make sure you cover the “who, what, where and when” of the event as reported. Also include a brief explanation as to how the “legal topic” relates to your chosen chapter(s). The student must include a complete citation of the source. The length of the writing should be 500-600 words.
As a guideline, the format of the paper should be: Introduction – wherein the student very briefly introduces the topic for the reader (two maybe three sentences). Discussion – wherein the student details the topic including facts and applicable law, and the student’s opinions or conclusions thereon. Conclusion – wherein the briefly summarizes their discussion and opinions.
The grading scheme is:
Overall organization – 10 points – Develop ideas cogently and organize them logically with paragraphs and effective transitions. Clear and specific introduction and conclusion.
Topic – 10 points – Original and current event. Must specifically relate to topic(s) covered in course.
Discussion and Conclusion – 40 points – Clear and concise presentation of the facts and applicable law. Explore ideas vigorously, support points fully using a balance of subjective and objective evidence. Reason effectively making useful distinctions.
Papers turned in late will receive a reduction in points in the amount of 5 points for each day late. You must submit your assignment through Turnitin.