Finish the online self-assessment of individualism-collectivism (Links to an external site.), and write a thoughtful, well-considered essay, in which you answer the following questions:

  1. How does your self assessment score locate you on this dimension of culture?
  2. How does placement help to understand yourself and increase your self-awareness?
  3. How might you apply what you have learned about yourself as a result of the self-assessment to your leadership development?

The essay should be complete, reasonably free from errors, clearly organized, and well thought out. Before completing your writing, you may want to complete the optional reading “Dimensionality of Individualism-Collectivism and Measurement Equivalence of Triandis and Gelfand’s Scale”, which presents a view of individualism and collectivism as two separate and unrelated cross-cultural values. You can find a link to this article in the Course Schedule part of the Syllabus.

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