Identify and contact someone in your community who participates in the care of those who have mental health issues or who are a part of a vulnerable population. The individual interviewed should not be a part of the nursing profession. Discuss how you develop a needs assessment on the particular population. How do you approach this population of patients? What local resources are available for referral? How might you work as an interprofessional team to care for your chosen population of patients?
Module 6 Assignment
Module 6 Assignment | ||
Criteria | Ratings | Pts |
Chooses Appropriate Individual | 14 pts Full Marks Individual chosen participates in the care of those with mental health and is not in the nursing profession 0 pts No Marks Individual chosen does not participates in the care of those with mental health and/or is not in the nursing profession | 14 pts |
Development of Needs Assessment | 25 pts Full Marks Student thoroughly describes how a needs assessment would be completed on this population; discussion includes information on how the individual being interviewed would complete a need assessment. 13 pts Partial Marks Student describes the process of needs assessment with minimal details; the reader cannot clearly understand the process; there is limited inclusion in the assignment on how the individual being interviewed conducts a needs assessment. 0 pts No Marks Student provides very minimal or no details on how they would discuss a needs assessment; and/or does not include any information on how the individual interviewed creates a needs assessment. | 25 pts |
Approach to Patients | 25 pts Full Marks Student thoroughly describes how they will interact with the population of patients; information is detailed and provides the reader with a clear picture on how they plan to interaction; includes information on how the individual interviewed interacts successfully with this population of patients 13 pts Partial Marks Student describes how they will approach this population of patients; however the information is lacking and leaves the reader asking questions or without a clear understanding; there is limited inclusion on how the individual interviewed approaches this population of patients 0 pts No Marks Student does not describe the patient approach and/or does not include information on how the individual interviewed approaches patients | 25 pts |
Local Resources | 25 pts Full Marks Student clearly identifies resources that are available in the community; resources should be for patients and providers 0 pts No Marks Student does not clearly identify community resources that are available for patients/providers | 25 pts |
Interprofessional Collaboration | 25 pts Full Marks Student discusses ways in which they can collaborate with others in the care of this population of patients; ways are clearly defined and are realistic 12 pts Partial Rating Student identifies limited ways in which they can collaborate with others in the care of this population of patients; identified ways are realistic 0 pts No Marks Student does not identify ways in which they can collaborate with others in the care of this patient; identified ways are not realistic | 25 pts |
Writing Style/APA | 11 pts Full Marks There are 0-1 total errors; this includes grammer, APA, writing mechanics, etc. 5 pts Partial Marks There are 2-3 total errors; this includes grammar, APA, writing mechanics, etc. 0 pts No Marks There 4 or more errors in grammar, APA, writing mechanics, etc. | 11 pts |
Total Points: 125 |