HW #1; 20 pts

2 point penalty each day late

Assigned homework should be turned by the end of day listed on Blackboard. Provide your R code and/or figures along with your answer below each exercise. Make sure that your answers are not in bold so that I can easily differentiate between your answer and my question.

Exercise 1

Use R as you would a calculator to find answers to the following (be sure to report R code):

  1. (92-63)*(3/4)
  2. (3+13) / 42

Exercise 2

Show the R code needed to create each of the following vectors. Use the seq function for vec2 and rep function for vec3. (Hint: use the “?rep” function in R to see the documentation and examples for the rep function.)

vec1:     henry       johnson      jackson       clay       bates       nevada

vec2:         5                10               15             20           25             30

vec3:         4                 4                 4               8             8               8

Exercise 3

Use the data.frame command to put the individual vectors from exercise 2 (vec1, vec2, and vec3) into a single data frame named exer3. Report the R code as your answer.

Exercise 4

Rename the column names in exer3 to ‘county’, ‘precip’, and ‘temp’.

Exercise 5

The measurements for the precip column in exer3 are in centimeters. Convert these measurements to millimeters by creating a new column in the exer3 data frame and label it ‘precipmm’. (Hint: values in ‘precipmm’ should be larger than in ‘precip’ by a factor of 10).

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