Humanitarianism Essay

  • The word limit is 3,500 words not including references (+10%)
  • Answer the question exactly as it appears below (i.e. do not invent your own title).
  • Write in 12-point font, use 1.5 spacing between lines.
  • Referencing should accord with the Bath-Harvard system 

that you give your file Write in response to one of the following question:

With the ever-increasing number of displacees over recent years, is the continued use of camps inevitable and best? Use at least two examples to illustrate your argument.

My answer and argument are:

YES, camps are so far the best temporary solutions for displaced people.

Case studies I want to use are:

Case study #1:

Zaatari Refugee camp for Syrian refugees in Jordan

Case Study #2:

Baqa’a Refugee Camp for Palestinian Refugees in Jordan

Essay Structure:

Introduction (300 words)

Write the main argument I am talking about in this assignment, which is camps are the best temporary solution for displaced people. Write about the two cases we are choosing, one is a good example on how living inside refugee camp is better for refugees rather than living in host community (Zaatari refugee camp), and the second example of how Baqaa refugee camp became a big city in Jordan with no differences to any other cities in Jordan

Main Part (3000)

  • History of refugee camps (when it started, its definition, some facts about the refugee camps) (250 words)
  • Build the argument of “Camps are best solutions for the displaced ppl (250)
  • Why it’s the best: (1500 words)
    • Better way to provide services in emergencies
    • Provide equal opportunities to all displaced ppl living in the camp, without the hassle of not being able to reach people
    • Safety and security for hosting countries, More controlled
    • Avoid clashes with host communities (specially at the emergency stages)
    • Better coordination for NGO’s and UN agencies to provide services

Case Study #1:

Zaatari refguee camp in Jordan: (500 words)

  • When it started
  • How many refugees
  • Organically started and expanded
  • How za’atari refugee camp is looking nowadays after 11 years
  • How people are living with opening their own shops, expanding their homes, feeling more closer to their homes
  • Compare the life of Syrian refuees living inside zaatari refugee camp to those living in host community (the ones inside the camp has better services, while outside the camp are suffering from the expenses)

Case study #2

Baqaa Refugee Camp in Jordan: (500 words)

  • When it started
  • How many refugees
  • Organically started and expanded
  • After all those years how, the camp became as a big city in Jordan
  • The social cohesion now between the Palestinians and Jordanian helped the refugees to become part of the city

Conclusion: (200 words)

Camps are better temporary solutions until we reach on of the durable solutions: voluntarily going back to their countries if it’s safe, take the citizenship of a third country or take the citizenship of the hosting country

Zetter – Labelling Refugees: Forming and Transforming a Bureaucratic IdentityURL

Turner – Negotiating Authority: Between UNHCR and ‘the people’URL

L. Turner: Governing, experiencing and contesting camps and encampment (Ch. 23)URL

Sorensen ‘The experience of displacement’URL

Shacknove – Who is a Refugee?’URL

Schuster – Turning Refugees into Illegal MigrantsURL

Malkki – Refugees and Exile: From ‘‘Refugee Studies’’ to the National Order of ThingsURL

Long (2013): When refugees stopped being migrants (on the refugee regime of the interwar years)URL

Lischer – Chapter Three ‘Afghan Refugees’URL

Colson – Forced Migration and the Anthropological ResponseURL

Chatelard, El Abed, & Washington – Protection, Mobility and Livelihood Challenges of Displaced Iraqis in Urban Settings in JordanURL

Castles et al 2014_refugees and asylum pp.221-230File

Bates – Environmental Refugees? Classifying Human Migrations Caused by Environmental ChangeURL

Blog post about the progress on realising the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR)URL

Bakewell – Encampment and Self-SettlementURL

**Turton – Conceptualising Forced Migration,URL

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