Course Title:Access to Higher Education Diploma –
Unit Title:Homeostasis in HealthcareUnit Code 
Unit: Level:3Credit Value:3
Tutor Name:Mohua Roy, Frances Billingham
Student Name: 
Task Number: (if applicable)1 of 1
Task Title:Report on homeostasis, nervous system and endocrine system    
Date Set: Date Due: 
Extension Agreed: Date of Return to learner: 
Date of Resubmission: Resubmission Return to learner: 

Student declaration of authenticity

I confirm that the assignment I have submitted is all my own work and that it has been appropriately referenced in line with the centre policy on referencing of submissions of academic work
Signature  of student:   
Date submitted:   


IV declaration

I agree this assignment brief is fit for purpose and assesses the identified criteria.  
IV Signature    Date: 
  Grade Profile Achieved for Assignment   Final unit grade, if applicable [1]* 
Learning OutcomesAssessment CriteriaAssessment Criteria Met[2]
  1 Understand the concept of homeostasis in the human body.Define the term homeostasis and apply this to the nervous system and endocrine systems.Characterise the 3 classes of neurones and explain how they work in a simple reflex arc.Explain the propagation of a nerve impulse and synaptic transmission  Y/N        Y/N       Y/N      
  2 Understand the endocrine system2.1. Identify the main endocrine glands in the body and link them to some of their specific secretions. 2.2. Summarise how hormones reach their target cells and exert their influence at a cellular level. 2.3.  Distinguish between positive and negative feedback mechanisms such as the effect of oxytocin (in labour) and the control of Calcium level( linked to osteoporosis)respectively Y/N       Y/N       Y/N
  3 Understand the role of the endocrine system in the human body.3.1. Research and report on one homeostatic system, such as temperature regulation, glucose regulation or water regulationY/N
 Description of Assessment Task (mapped to Assessment Criteria) 
Task     With the aid of diagrams where necessary, write a report to explain the nervous system and endocrine system and how they coordinate functions of the body and help in maintaining homeostasis.  Your report should also include a flow chart on one homeostasis regulation. Submit your report and brief on Turnitin.       Ensure you consider the following points:     Define homeostasis and the role of nervous system and endocrine system in homeostasis. (A.C. 1.1)Use an example of a reflex action to show your understanding of function of different types of neurones (A.C. 1.2). You must include diagram of reflex arc. Explain action potential generation and propagation of nerve impulse, also explain synaptic transmission (1.3). Identify the glands and label diagram of the endocrine system given in the brief. Describe functions of hormones secreted by 4 endocrine glands of the body (A.C.2.1). Analyse mode of action of steroid hormone and mode of action of peptide hormone (water soluble hormone). (A.C 2.2). Use examples to distinguish between positive and negative feedback regulations involving hormones (A.C. 2.3).   Research and create flowchart to explain one of the following homeostasis regulations: temperature regulation, sugar regulation or water regulation. Ensure that you analyse the role of nervous system and endocrine system in these feedback regulations. (A.C 3.1)Your REPORT ( excluding flow chart and reference list) should not exceed 1500 words (+/- 10%). You must reference your report using the Harvard Referencing system. It would add quality to your work if you use references from various articles and authors.   Endocrine System Unlabeled Example - SmartDraw | Endocrine system, Endocrine  system hormones, Endocrine system nursing    
Grading Information
If you have achieved all Level 3 criteria you will receive a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following Grade Descriptors.  The grade awarded will be determined by your aggregated performance against the Grade Descriptor Components noted below.  The boxes below each Grade Descriptor provide contextual statements which relate the language of the Grade Descriptor to the set assignment task.  These statements will help you to know what is required at the identified Grade Descriptor and also to understand the Grade Profile that you have been allocated.  
Grade Descriptor (Insert more rows as necessary)To achieve a Merit: The learner hasTo achieve a Distinction: The learner hasGrade Awarded  
  GD1: Understanding of subject  The student, student’s work or performance: demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base is generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study          The student, student’s work or performance: demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study   
  What this means for the assignment  The report shows a very good understanding of the parts of the nervous and endocrine system and how these two systems coordinate functions of different parts of the body. The report presents a very good understanding of how different organs of the human body work together and importance of homeostasis. There are some areas where material could be developed.  Some theoretical inaccuracies are evident.  However, overall, the resultant report shows a very good level of understanding in relation to the function of the two systems and how they help in maintaining homeostasis.  The report shows an excellent understanding of the parts of the nervous and endocrine system and how these two systems coordinate functions of different parts of the body. The report presents an excellent understanding of how different organs of the human body work together and importance of homeostasis. There are few (if any) areas where material could be developed.  There are few (if any) theoretical inaccuracies.  However, overall, the resultant report shows an excellent level of understanding in relation to the function of the two systems and how they help in maintaining homeostasis.   
  GD2:       Application of knowledgeThe student, student’s work or performance:  makes use of relevant   facts theories concepts with either   breadth or depth that goes beyond the minimum required to Pass and/or   very good levels of consistency precision accuracy  The student, student’s work or performance:  makes use of relevant   facts theories concepts with both   breadth and depth   and/or   excellent levels of consistency precision accuracy   
  What this means for the assignment  The report evidences the application of the student’s knowledge clearly and appropriately to the set task.  Information applied is generally accurate and consistent in terms of its application to answering the set tasks and shows either breadth of knowledge in relation to the task or detailed development of knowledge (analysing how neurones function, the role of hormones, their importance in the human body and concept of homeostasis).  In both cases there are areas where the knowledge might have been more focussed in its application and/or developed further analytically.  However, overal,l the report represents a very good application of knowledge to the set task.  The report evidences the application of the student’s knowledge clearly and appropriately to the set task.  Information applied is consistently accurate in terms of its application to the title and shows both breadth of knowledge in relation to the task and detailed development (depth) of knowledge in identified areas (this will include a consistent application of knowledge in analysing how neurones function, the role of hormones, their importance in the human body and concept homeostasis).  There are few (if any) areas where the knowledge might have been more focussed in its application and/or developed further analytically.  Overall, the report represents an excellent application of knowledge to the set task.   
  GD5: Communication and presentationThe student, student’s work or performance: shows very good command of format structure language (including technical or specialist language) spelling punctuation referencingThe student, student’s work or performance: shows excellent command of format structure language (including technical or specialist language) spelling punctuation referencing   
  What this means for the assignment    The report is clearly structured and formatted.  Information is clearly signposted within the overall structure and external references are appropriately cited.  The report represents a generally consistent response to the set question and is logically sequenced through an introduction, main body and well signposted conclusion.  However, there may be some errors in terms of structuring and referencing but overall, the work presents a well-reasoned and structured response which clearly addresses (and answers) the set question.    The report is clearly structured and formatted throughout.  Information is consistently and clearly signposted within the overall structure and external references are appropriately cited. The report represents a consistently excellent response to the set question and is logically sequenced throughout with a clear introduction, main body and well signposted conclusion.  There may be few (if any) errors in terms of structuring and referencing in terms of the overall response. The work presents a consistently excellent well-reasoned and structured response which clearly addresses (and answers) the set question.   
GD7: QualityThe student, student’s work or performance: is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent taken as a whole, demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the brief/assignment  The student, student’s work or performance: is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent taken as a whole, demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the brief/assignment 
What this means for the assignment  The report develops a clear and logically structured response to the assignment task.  The student uses his/her knowledge and understanding well in presenting his/her response. There are some errors in terms of knowledge and understanding (or structural consistency).  However, on balance the work presents a very good coherent response which clearly addresses the assessment task.  The report develops a clear, consistent and logically structured response to the assignment task.  The student uses his/her knowledge and understanding well in presenting his/her response.   There are few (if any) errors in terms of knowledge and understanding (or structural consistency).  On balance the work presents an excellent and insightful response which clearly addresses the assessment task   

Assessor’s comments

Tutor Feedback 
Individual feedback and targets for improvement and any comment in relation to resubmission (if appropriate):                 Please also refer to the ‘What this means for the assignment’ boxes on page 3  in terms of understanding the rationale for the grade judgments allocated to the different Grade Descriptor Components.  Areas for Improvement:      Tick ü
Tutor Signature:   Date: 
Internally Moderated by: (if applicable) 
  Student Reflections / Planning in relation to Tutor Feedback (where appropriate):  
  Student Target Setting for Future Assessment (where appropriate):  

[1] If there is more than one assignment for a unit, the final provisional grade for the unit cannot be awarded until all assignments have been completed, and this space should be left blank.

[2] Where an Assessment Criteria is judged to have not been met this will result in a ‘resubmission’ in accordance with the QAA Grade Scheme Regulations (See Section C for guidance on Resubmission of student work).

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