This is a paper on homegrown extremism, terrorism, and different radicalization frameworks. For this assignment, you will write a research paper addressing ALL of the following topics:

1) Describe the differences between homegrown extremism and terrorism, and provide your own definition of each.

2) Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models. Highlight any key similarities and differences.

3) Choose either a purely domestic extremist group or an internationally focused terrorist organization and briefly describe the main inspiration (the grievance or cause).

4) Pick either al Qaeda, Islamic State, or the extremist right wing Militias (see below) and describe the ideology or what drives them.

Ibrahim, R. (2005, October 5). Al Qaeda’s Offensive Rhetoric: What does Al Qaeda ultimately want? Middle East Forum. Retrieved from


Wood, G. (2015, March). What ISIS Really Wants. The Atlantic. Retrieved from

Baysinger, T. G. (July 2006).  Right-wing Group Characteristics and Ideology. Homeland Security Affairs 2, Article 3. Retrieved from

Utilize at least 2 of the resources provided to support your work as your primary sources. However, you may supplement your work with scholarly research you conduct on these topics. Freely utilize appropriate sources, summarize in your own words and cite accordingly, but be mindful of excessive direct quotes. Direct quotes from other words should not exceed 10% of your content.


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