The paper should include the following:
- An overview of the case:
o Describe the events that led to the grand jury indictment of Ford.
o Describe and analyze the trial from the perspective of Elkhart County and Ford Motor Company. - Identify and discuss the ethical perspective Ford followed in their handling of the Pinto incident.
o Discuss the analysis Ford undertook in coming to their ethical position.
o Describe the ethical decision-making processes Ford could have used, which might have led to a different ethical decision.
o Discuss alternative ethical perspectives Ford might have taken. - If you agree with Ford’s handling of this case, support your position.
- If you disagree with Ford’s handling of this case,
o Identify and discuss leadership practices that were/were not followed by Ford which led to their decisions.
o Discuss and describe the ethical perspective you would follow and why if you were an executive of Ford.
o Identify and discuss at what level of moral development you believe Ford was operating - Describe and discuss the ethical dilemmas faced by individual contributors and followers and mid-level leaders at Ford. Describe and discuss what their course of action says about their level of moral development at the time of the case.
- Describe and discuss actions from an ethical followership perspective.
- Describe and discuss your analysis of Ford from an organizational citizenship perspective:
o Identify and discuss the components of organizational citizenship.
o Identify and discuss the four stages of issue maturity scale you would place Ford at the time of the case.
o Identify and discuss goals you would set going forward if you were a leader at Ford at the time of the case. - As a result of analyzing this case and in your conclusion, describe what new knowledge did you gain regarding organizational behavior and ethical leadership practices?