To test the students’ understanding of supply chain management concepts in the context of supply shortages set against the background of a current and ongoing global supply issue.


1Relate and critically discuss the strategic role of purchasing within an organisation.
2Apply strategic tools and techniques for supply management
3Critically analyse the issues involved in the development of purchasing and supply sourcing strategies
4Synthesise a range of advanced and specialised concepts, principles and models and be able to apply these to the development of an effective purchasing strategy


The current global semiconductor shortage has disrupted many supply chains resulting in production issues for a range of companies. Lead-times for some products have greatly extended, and many previously available appliances and goods are no longer available “off the shelf” forcing many organisations to rethink their supply strategies. The key aim of supply chain management is to ensure continuity of supply, sometimes in challenging situations.

Your task as a sourcing strategist is to analyse the current global semiconductor shortage for the purpose of ensuring continuity of supply for the coming year. Please demonstrate your in-depth understanding of the circumstances and variables causing the shortage using an analysis tool, or tools of your choice.

Building on your analysis you are now required to produce an evaluation of the impact of the semiconductor shortage on an organisation within ONE of the following sectors operating in the UK.

  1. The automotive industry.
  2. Games console producers.
  3. Mobile phone industry.
  4. Producers of kitchen appliances.

Both of these analyses must be in-depth and fully supported with relevant literature.

From your findings and with a focus on the same organisation, consider supply strategy options that will future proof the supply of semiconductors going forward. Conclude your report by considering the strengths and weaknesses of your strategy.


A business report including the following.

  • Title page
  • Executive summary-
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Analysis of the supply problem and sector
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices’

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