MBA Assignment
Module title: Financial Management and Entrepreneurship (FME)
Assignment weighting: Assignment 1 – 50%. Assignment 2 – 50%
Component number | Form of assessment | Assessment size | Weighting (%) | Learning outcomes 1assessed | Core or non-core |
1 | Individual Assignment | 2500 words | 50% | LO1, LO2, LO3 | Core |
2 | Individual Business Plan | 2500 words | 50% | LO4, LO5, LO6 | Core |
The Learning outcome(s) assessed by this assignment are:
All learning outcomes assessed.
At postgraduate level you are expected to:
- Have a high standard of presentation, structure, layout and design
- Demonstrate appropriate coverage, critical appreciation and evaluation of relevant literature
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of key concepts and the application of theory to practical solutions
- Show evidence of originality of thought and approach, and of creative problem solving ability
The grade awarded for this piece of work remains provisional until ratified by LSC Exam Board.
Format: Report
Word limit: 5000 in total (2500 Task 1 & 2500 Task 2)
Assessment criteria: see grading criteria
Learning Outcomes tested (from module syllabus) | Assessment Criteria To achieve the module learning outcomes. In addition to LSC Common Assessment and Academic Marking Criteria, students are expected to meet the following threshold descriptors for a pass grade. |
LO1: Develop advanced knowledge and understanding on key theories, models and framework of financial management and identify main factors influencing financial management and investment decision making processes | Describe key financial models and frameworks that are used to evaluate the financial performance of a company Use relevant financial data to interpret the financial position of the company and justify the interpretations through the discussions of relevant theories and models Identify the strategic issues emerging from the analysis of the financial performance of the company and discuss possible directions that can be adopted by the senior management within the company. Use relevant theories to justify the recommendations |
LO2: Effectively interpret and analyse financial report and data to form critical judgement and develop effective solutions to solve financial problems confronting business enterprises, particularly problems relating to corporate investment, asset management and financing decisions | |
LO3: Comprehend complex data and interpret strategic implications underpinning the financial report and formulate informed decision makings for the organizations. | |
LO4: Define and identify the concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurism, and key models of new venture creation. | Describe the concept of entrepreneurship and the key processes involved in new venture creation Identify the key factors (both internal and external ) influencing the processes of new product / service development Using relevant theories / models to explain the process of value creation and conduct value chain analysis for new product development Use business model canvas to illustrate the value creation through the introduction of new product / service Use key theories of risk management and financial mix to explain the variability of new business model and how to create sustainable competitive advantages. |
LO5: Evaluate and critically analyse the relationships between knowledge, entrepreneurship and new venture development and complex factors which contribute to the new business development within the national and international context. | |
LO6: Apply models for the screening of new ventures/opportunities to live start-up concepts and ideas, and subsequently develop a live case business plan suitable for presentation to investors and industry participants. |
TASK DESCRIPTION: Assignment ONE (50%)
2500 words maximum. +/- 10%
You work as a Financial Analyst for a firm of international management consultants. A very large multinational company has approached your firm for advice. The client is considering diversification through an acquisition strategy. As part of your assignment you should name this company (acquirer firm).
Select two companies in the same industry which must be Public Companies listed in a globally recognized stock exchange. You need to discuss key financial and acquisition aspects of the two selected potential acquisition targets in relation to the tasks shown below;
Undertake the necessary research and write a report to the client which:
- Critically evaluates and compares the financial performance and financial position of the two potential target companies using the published financial statements within the last three years. You should analyse the financial performance and financial position of these firms through the use of financial ratios (the detailed computations of the financial ratios should be provided in the appendix of the assignment). (Suggested word count 1100 words)
The client is particularly concerned with one key aspect of these potential target companies, namely the management of working capital.
- Critically analyse the importance of working capital management (suggested word count 300 words)
- Compare the working capital management of both firms over the last three years. (Suggested word count 400 words)
Task- 3
- Your report should conclude with a reasoned argument as to which company – if either – might be the preferred acquisition target in terms of financials. (Suggested word count 300 words)
- Non-financial factors, in particular how the target acquisition fits in with the current strategy of your acquirer firm. (Suggested word count 400 words)
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
- Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
- Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
- Formatting: Typed on A4 paper in Times New Roman or Arial font 12 with at least 2.5-centimetre space at each edge, double spaced and pages numbered.
- Document format: Report
- Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
- Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
- All referencing should be in Harvard style.
Marking criteria and Student FEEDBACK – Assignment 1 (50%)
This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark. The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.
Common Assessment Criteria (applied to all parts of the project) | Marks available | Marks Awarded |
1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. | ||
Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions | 10 | |
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject: Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. | ||
Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. | 10 | |
3. Analysis: Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence | ||
Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence for: Liquidity, Profitability, Efficiency, Capital structure and Stock market performance | 40 (8 marks for each area of analysis) | |
4. Practical Application and Deployment: Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. | ||
Importance of working capital management Preferred acquisition based on financial and non-financial factors | ||
15 15 | ||
5. Skills for Professional Practice: Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. | ||
Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation.Overall Presentation | 10 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
TASK DESCRIPTION: Assignment TWO (50%)
You are working for a well-established conglomerate group as the Head of the Product/Service SBU. Your Chief product/service development officer is of the view that its existing marketing network within the country has to be enlarged by introducing a sound product development/service development plan. As part of your assignment, you should make clear what the proposed product or service is. To make this forward looking strategy very positive, you need to complete the following tasks;
A) Describe the Ansoff’s product market vector matrix and its relevance to your new development strategy. (suggested word count 400 words)
B) Discuss a suitable entrepreneurship model that is relevant for your new product or service introduction plan. (suggested word count 400 words)
C) Discuss how an effective market research strategy can be put in place to assess the feasibility of introducing this new product or service. (suggested word count 500 words)
D) Explain a suitable financing strategy for this new product or service. (suggested word count 400 words)
E) Discuss the procedures involved with regard to the introduction of the new product/service. (suggested word count 400 words)
F) Explain how will you measure customer benefits of your product or service and why it is important to get customer feedback. (suggested word count 400 words)
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
- Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
- Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
- Formatting: Typed on A4 paper in Times New Roman or Arial font 12 with at least 2.5-centimetre space at each edge, double spaced and pages numbered.
- Document format: Report
- Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and a bibliography using Harvard referencing throughout is also provided.
- Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic books and journals that have been peer reviewed. The research should be extensive.
All referencing should be in Harvard style.
2,500 Words. +/- 10 %
Marking criteria and Student FEEDBACK – Assignment 2 (50%)
This section details the assessment criteria. The extent to which these are demonstrated by you determines your mark. The marks available for each criterion are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.
Common Assessment Criteria (applied to all parts of the project) | Marks available | Marks Awarded |
1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. | ||
Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions | 10 | |
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject: Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. | ||
Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. | 10 | |
3. Analysis: Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence | ||
Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence | 60 | |
4. Practical Application and Deployment: Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. | ||
Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. | 10 | |
5. Skills for Professional Practice: Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. | ||
Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation.Overall Presentation | 10 | |
TOTAL | 100 |
Notes on Plagiarism
Plagiarism is passing off the work of others as your own. This constitutes academic theft and is a serious matter which is penalized in assignment marking.
Plagiarism is the submission of an item of assessment containing elements of work produced by another person(s) in such a way that it could be assumed to be the student’s own work. Examples of plagiarism are:
the verbatim copying of another person’s work without acknowledgement | |
the close paraphrasing of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement | |
the unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s work and/or the presentation of another person’s idea(s) as one’s own. It also includes self-plagiarism’ (which occurs where, for example, you submit work that you have presented for assessment on a previous occasion). And the submission of material from ‘essay banks’ (even if the authors of such material appear to be giving you permission to use it in this way) |
Copying or close paraphrasing with occasional acknowledgement of the source may also be deemed to be plagiarism is the absence of quotation marks implies that the phraseology is the student’s own.
Plagiarised work may belong to another student or be from a published source such as a book, report, journal or material available on the internet.
Additional Examples of plagiarism include:
- directly copying from written work, physical work, performances, recorded work or images, without saying where this is from;
- using information from the internet or electronic media (such as DVDs and CDs) which belongs to someone else, and presenting it as your own;
- rewording someone else’s work, without referencing them; and
- handing in something for assessment which has been produced by another student or person.
It is important that you do not plagiarise – intentionally or unintentionally – because the work of others and their ideas are their own. There are benefits to producing original ideas in terms of awards, prizes, qualifications, reputation and so on. To use someone else’s work, words, images, ideas or discoveries is a form of theft.
Collusion is similar to plagiarism as it is an attempt to present another’s work as your own. In plagiarism the original owner of the work is not aware you are using it, in collusion two or more people may be involved in trying to produce one piece of work to benefit one individual, or plagiarising another person’s work.
Examples of collusion include:
- agreeing with others to cheat;
- getting someone else to produce part or all of your work;
- copying the work of another person (with their permission);
- submitting work from essay banks;
- paying someone to produce work for you; and
- Allowing another student to copy your own work.