Assignment Overview

You have reached the end of this project. The last section will cover the financial management aspect of your organization/facility. In this module, you will submit your completed comprehensive paper. 

Case Assignment

  1. Community Benefit Spending
    1. In at least 1 page, identify how your non-profit organization will spend money helping your community.
  2. Balance Sheet (Norwicki, 2018, pp. 51-54)
    1. Create a hypothetical (realistic) balance sheet for your organization/facility. The balance sheet should cover two years, the current year and the subsequent year. The balance sheet should show a vivid increase in total net assets.
      1. Explain the entries in your balance sheet.
      1. Calculate your Assets for both years.
  3. Statement of Operations (Norwicki, 2018, pp. 54-57)
    1. Create a hypothetical (realistic) statement of operations for your organization/facility. The statement of operations should cover two years, the current year and the subsequent year.
      1. Calculate the Operating Margin and explain your result.
  4. Strategic Planning, Operational Planning, & Budgeting (Norwicki, 2018, pp. 299-326)
    1. Norwikci (2018) outlined a 22-stage Corporate Planning Process (Exhibit 13.1, pp. 299-300). Review the process outlined and identify how your organization/facility has met/will meet the stages outlined in the following sections:
      1. Strategic Planning (Stages 1-8)
      1. Operational Planning (Stages 9-13)
      1. Budgeting (Stages 14-17)
  5. Recommendations and Conclusion

References (attached)

Nowicki, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Financial analysis and management reporting. In Introduction to the financial management of health organizations (7th ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Nowicki, M. (2018). Chapter 13: Strategic and operational planning. In Introduction to the financial management of health organizations (7th ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Nowicki, M. (2018). Chapter 14: Budgeting. In Introduction to the financial management of health organizations (7th ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

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