Final Project Report

A university-level research paper must be professionally written using APA citation format, including in-text references to facts and ideas from other sources. Also, the final work requires an appropriate References section. Applying APA style can be easily accomplished by using Word’s “References” tab or by following the formatting requirements of APA Style

You should provide a statement of purpose and an indication of the direction of your research in the opening paragraph, and your report should be of appropriate depth as well as unified and cohesive. You should draw clear and logical conclusions based on theories and concepts. Your report should be written in complete, well-constructed sentences with precise grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling. Your writing should be sharp, coherent, and clear.

The report must fulfill all stated requirements and include 2500 to 3000 words of con­tent (approximately 10 pages). Preferred fonts are Calibri 11-point or Arial 11-point with 1-inch margins. The work must have an appropriate TESU cover sheet and “References” page in addition to its content pages. 

Preferred style is to have your full name in the paper’s footer left margin, along with the page number centered, and the course code at the right margin.

Final Project Presentation

You are also required to create a PowerPoint presentation of your project with voiceover narration. Your presentation should be 8 to 10 minutes in length, suitable for a business gathering in which the organization’s management team has assembled to hear a summary of your research. The tone of your product must be business formal. 

Your PowerPoint presentation, which should consist of no more than eight slides, should contain per­tinent facts that you would like to share. Do not put the research paper or paragraphs from the paper on the slides; your slides should include main ideas and highlights. Follow accepted PowerPoint style.

Term Paper Metrics below

PurposeYou effectively establish the context and purpose of the paper; the thesis is clearly conveyed and central theme is readily apparent. You establish the context and purpose of the paper; the thesis is identified and central theme is indicated. You somewhat establish the context and purpose of the paper; the thesis and central theme are unclear. You ineffectively establish the context and purpose of the paper; the thesis is not indicated and central theme is missing or insufficient. null
Content developmentYou use carefully chosen, authoritative, and compelling content that demonstrates mastery of the subject; provide an advanced and thoughtful analysis of ideas; present an in-depth synthesis of ideas demonstrating insight and interpretation; and include meticulous references to readings wherever necessary. You use appropriate and relevant content that demonstrates sufficient command of the subject; provide a germane analysis of ideas; and include references to readings. You use somewhat appropriate content that demonstrates limited command of the subject; provide a cursory analysis of ideas that lacks insight and interpretation; and include minimal references to readings. You use inappropriate and irrelevant content, provide little, if any, analysis, and do not include references to readings. null
Conclusions and outcomesYou reach logical conclusions and articulate related outcomes (consequences and implications) through careful reasoning and informed evaluation. You reach reasonable conclusions and state outcomes (consequences and implications) satisfactorily. You reach dubious conclusions and state outcomes (consequences and implications) unsatisfactorily. You reach illogical conclusions and state outcomes (consequences and implications) erroneously. null
OrganizationYou implement a coherent, observable organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions) that effectively elucidates the content of the presentation. You implement a generally observable organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions) that successfully explains the content of the presentation. You implement a somewhat observable organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transition) that inconsistently explains the content of the presentation. You implement an incoherent organizational pattern (lacking specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transition) that inadequately explains the content of the presentation. null
Evidence (communication)You effectively support points and subpoints with abundant clarifying detail, include relevant and clearly attributed sources as necessary, and effectively link ideas; comprehensive evidence extends ideas and fully authenticates the purpose/thesis of the paper. You support points and subpoints with sufficient detail, attribute sources as necessary, and link ideas; evidence relates to the purpose/thesis of the paper. You support points and subpoints with limited detail and improperly link ideas at times; most evidence does not relate to the purpose/thesis of the paper. You inadequately support points and subpoints with irrelevant detail and do not properly link ideas; little, if any, evidence relates to the purpose/thesis of the paper. null
Sources and documentationYou clearly and effectively document sources of information with in-text citations linking to references at the end of the paper; APA format is complete and entirely accurate. You properly document sources of information with in-text citations linking to references at the end of the paper; APA format may include a few minor errors. You incompletely document sources of information with in-text citations linking to references at the end of the paper; APA format includes significant errors. You inadequately document sources of information with either in-text citations references at the end of the paper; whatever documentation exists includes multiple and serious errors. null
MechanicsYou write in complete, well-constructed sentences with faultless grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; writing is sharp, coherent, and demonstrates sophisticated clarity. You write in complete sentences with mostly correct grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; minor errors may exist but do not compromise meaning. You write in unclear sentences with significant errors in grammar, word choice, [punctuation, and spelling] that may compromise meaning. You write in incomplete, incomprehensible sentences filled with serious errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, or spelling. null
Business development opportunitiesYou skillfully assess macro-environmental factors and internal business dynamics to perceptively evaluate business development opportunities. You competently assess macro-environmental factors and internal business dynamics to evaluate business development opportunities. You superficially assess macro-environmental factors and internal business dynamics to evaluate business development opportunities. You incompetently assess macro-environmental factors and internal business dynamics to evaluate business development opportunities. null

PowerPoint Metrics below

Content and presentationYour information is presented in an appropriately professional manner and consistently highlights research findings. Your information is presented in a completely professional manner and compellingly highlights research findings. Your information is presented in a somewhat professional manner and haphazardly highlights research findings. Your information is presented in an unprofessional manner and inadequately highlights research findings. null
Layout and designYour presentation adeptly utilizes color, type size, and font choices to enhance meaning Your presentation competently utilizes color, type size, and font choices to enhance meaning. Your presentation inconsistently utilizes color, type size, and font choices to enhance meaning Your presentation incompetently utilizes color, type size, and font choices, resulting in compromised meaning. null
CompositionYour presentation is extremely clear and readable; grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling are precise; text style identifies major points only. Your presentation is clear and legible; grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling are mostly correct, with minor errors that do not compromise meaning; text style identifies major point only, not sentences or prose passages Your presentation is somewhat unclear and difficult to read; significant errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling may compromise meaning; text style is mostly major point but occasionally lapses into sentences or prose passages. Your presentation is confusing and/or unreadable with serious errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling; you make no discernible effort to set text in major point style. null
Continuity and developmentYour title slide opens the presentation compellingly; points are introduced exceptionally with revelation and fade with dimming to keep presenter and audience on track. Your title slide opens the presentation competently; points are introduced capably with revelation and fade with dimming to keep presenter and audience on track. Your title slide opens the presentation adequately; points are introduced cursorily; revelation and dimming are used haphazardly. Your title slide opens the presentation inadequately, or there is no title slide; points are introduced illogically; revelation and dimming are used inappropriate if at all. null
ImagesYour static and dynamic images are crisp and free of distortion; all images relate scrupulously to the slide shown. Your static and dynamic images are functional and appropriate; all images relate generally to the slide shown. Your static and dynamic images are questionable; the images relate superficially to the slide shown. Your static and dynamic images are unclear or distorted; few (if any) images relate to the slide shown. null

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