Questions (answer TWO of the following four questions):

  1. Choose two female artists we have studied since the midterm and compare the ways in which they express gender roles and conventions in their music. Choose your examples to provide a compelling basis for comparison.

2. Choose two performers we’ve studied since the midterm and compare the ways in which they express the values of punk. The two examples do not have to actually be punk bands, per se, and should be chosen to provide a compelling basis for comparison.

3. Choose two performers we’ve studied since the midterm and compare the ways in which they use or do not use music technology. Choose your examples to provide a compelling basis for comparison.

4. Choose two performers we’ve studied since the midterm and compare the ways in which they display or avoid displaying musical skill and virtuosity. Choose your examples to provide a compelling basis for comparison.

5. Several styles of rock evolved in the ‘80s and ’90s that provide an “alternative” to a more mainstream rock or pop sound. Explore two performers we studied since the midterm that present two distinct visions of what an alternative style sounds and looks like. Explore the different values and musical techniques expressed by your two examples and how they offered listeners an “alternative” to mainstream rock or pop.

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