Select an article from below and use the information from the article you chose to provide experimental evidence and support for the theory of file labeled “Example 1.” Article information that you need to state includes:

  • Topic/purpose of the article
  • Participants – number and other necessary details
  • Stimuli –describe the unconditioned and neutral/conditioned stimuli
  • Conditions/Procedure –be sure to describe and give examples
  • Basic results – focus and summarize results that highlight the theory you have selected. Do NOT refer to any tables or figures.
  • Explanation – explain the results and how they relate to the primary theory

Article(s) to choose from (USE ONE ONLY):

Bitterman, M. E., Menzel, R., Fietz, A., & Schäfer, S. (1983). Classical conditioning of proboscis extension in honeybees (Apis mellifera), Journal of Comparative Psychology, 97, 107-119.

Smith, J. C. & Baker, H. D. (1960). Conditioning in the horseshoe crab, Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 53, 279-281.

Thompson, R. & McConnell, J. (1955). Classical conditioning in the planarian: Dugesia dorotodephaia, Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 48, 65-68.

This information should be about a paragraph in length. It should give the basic information, without going into too many specific details. Your explanation should be the strongest portion of this paragraph – this is where you take the research evidence and link it to the theory under investigation.

Be sure to include a citation in the paragraph that includes the authors’ last names and the year, along with a properly formatted reference after the paragraph

First author’s last name, initial(s). & Second author’s last name, initial(s). (Year Published). Article title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), state page numbers.


  • Keep the authors in the order listed on the article
  • DO NOT state the complete first and/or middle names – use initials only
  • Put the year published in parentheses
  • Use sentence case for the article title – ONLY the first word, any proper nouns, or any word immediately after a punctuation make get capitalized.
  • Use title case for the journal name – Capitalize the principal words in the title. Use lower case for articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or) or prepositions (e.g., on, in, with)
  • Italicize the journal name and volume number
  • DO NOT use p or pp, when stating the page numbers

The grading rubric for this assignment is on the next page.

CriteriaPointsPoints earned 
Topic and purposeTopic and purpose of article stated1  
No mention of topic or purpose0  
Participant informationStated the number of participants and necessary information1  
Information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate0  
MaterialsListed and briefly described the materials1  
Most information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate0  
Procedure    Described and gave examples of the conditions/task2  
Some information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate1  
Most information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate0  
Basic resultsAddressed important results that are relevant for the theory at hand.4  
Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate3  
Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate2  
Significant amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate1  
Results information completely missing0  
ExplanationFully explained the results and how they relate to the theory.4  
Minor amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate3  
Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate2  
Moderate amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate AND problems with organization1  
Significant amount of information missing, incomplete, or inaccurate0  
Continued on next page   
RequirementCriteriaPointsPoints earned   
Citation  Included the citation1  
Citation not included0  
Reference  Included the properly formatted reference containing correct information2  
Minor problems with the reference information or formatting1  
Significant problems with the reference information and formatting0  
Overall qualityHigh4  
Below average1  

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