Week 7: Evaluating the HISS and Future Recommendations

Health information systems provide a variety of multi-faceted information to provide organization with the ability to determine areas of strength and weakness.

Using the Measure Evaluation Health Information System (HIS) Assessment Tools Database (­https://www.measureevaluation.org/his-strengthening-resource-center/his-assessment-tools/index.html/histoolssearch) website, 

choose one assessment tool for health information systems from the website for evaluation of the organization you are presently in practice.

  1. I have chosen the Data Demand and Information Use in the Health Sector Strategies and Tools.
  • Organization I am currently in practice:  Long-term care/Nursing Home.
  • Using the tool, assess the organization to the best of your capability.
  • Provide a summary of your evaluation.
  • Next, select one standard from the American Nurses Informatics Association and determine the alignment of the organization based on the evaluation information you gathered using the assessment tool.
  • Provide two QSEN aligned recommendations for the organization to use for improvement of the present health information system.
  • What data would you use from the evaluation to support or not support alignment with the standard?

Unit 7 Discussion – Technology in Nursing Education

Unit 7 Discussion – Technology in Nursing Education
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent -CO6 15.0 pts Level 5 Post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion. 13.0 pts Level 4 Post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion – does not demonstrate a full understanding of course content and unit topic. 11.0 pts Level 3 Post is missing important elements, demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic and/or course concepts, offers limited validation of personal position. There is evidence of some supporting evidence; there is a reference to the research literature, text, course materials, or related examples. 9.0 pts Level 2 Post and responses are missing important elements related to the discussion and demonstrate a lack of understanding of the topic and lacks validation of position, and/or there is no use of supporting items of evidence. 7.0 pts Level 1 Post does not address discussion questions, and/or does not demonstrate an understanding of the topic and/or lacks validation of position with no use of supporting items of evidence. 0.0 pts Level 0 Post was not submitted, or there is no relationship between the post and the discussion prompt. 15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis PRICE-I 10.0 pts Level 5 The analysis of the topic includes breadth and depth, is aligned to the unit topic, relates to the course content and personal analysis is supported by well-aligned references and examples. 9.0 pts Level 4 The analysis of the topic is justified, and aligned to the unit topic, and personal analysis is supported by well-aligned references and/or examples. 8.0 pts Level 3 There is a basic analysis of the topic, and personal analysis is supported by well-aligned examples. 7.0 pts Level 2 There is minimal evidence of analysis of the topic and/or personal analysis is not supported by well-aligned examples or references. 6.0 pts Level 1 There is no evidence of analysis. 0.0 pts Level 0 Post was not submitted or the analysis had no relationship to the topic and the discussion prompt. 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollaboration PRICE-E 5.0 pts Level 5 Collaborates with fellow learners at the required level relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the conversation by asking open-ended questions to move the conversation forward, and answers questions asked on the post by instructor and peers. 4.5 pts Level 4 Collaborates with fellow learners at a comprehensive level and relates the content to relevant course concepts but does not extend the conversation by asking open-ended questions. There are responses evident to questions asked by instructor or peers. 4.0 pts Level 3 Collaborates with fellow learners but does not respond at a comprehensive level, and/or does not extend the conversation by asking or answering questions, and/or makes little connection to course content. 3.5 pts Level 2 Does not collaborate with fellow learners regarding the peers’ posts and/or makes no connection to course content and/or does not respond to peer and instructor responses, or the number of responses did not meet the requirement. 3.0 pts Level 1 Does not collaborate with fellow learners and instructor. 0.0 pts Level 0 Post was not submitted. 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting 5.0 pts Level 5 Posts in this discussion are well written and well-organized demonstrating excellence in scholarly writing. Mechanics (spelling and punctuation) and grammar are excellent. 4.5 pts Level 4 Posts in this discussion are well written and well-organized scholarly material but have 1-2 different minor errors in mechanics and/or grammar. 4.0 pts Level 3 Posts in this discussion are basic examples of scholarly material but have 3 different errors in mechanics and/or grammar. 3.5 pts Level 2 Posts in this discussion are not clear and/or lack organization and/or have 4 or more different errors in mechanics and/or grammar. 3.0 pts Level 1 Posts in this discussion lack evidence of clear, organized scholarly writing. 0.0 pts Level 0 Post was not submitted. 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA PRICE-I 5.0 pts Level 5 Posts in this discussion demonstrate appropriate in-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style. 4.5 pts Level 4 Posts in this discussion demonstrate appropriate in-text citations of sources and references but have 1-2 minor APA errors. 4.0 pts Level 3 Posts in this discussion demonstrate appropriate in-text citations of sources and references but have 3-4 minor APA errors. 3.5 pts Level 2 Posts in this discussion demonstrate appropriate in-text citations of sources and references but have more than 4 APA errors. 3.0 pts Level 1 Posts in this discussion do not provide either in-text citations or reference sources and/or have 4 or more APA errors. 0.0 pts Level 0 Post was not submitted. 5.0 pts
Total Points: 40.0

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