Assignment 1
This assignment is in 2 parts: both parts are submitted together.
Choose any 2 of these 4:
- Discuss the following statement: “There are no objective moral facts. Therefore there is no single, objectively valid and universally binding set of moral principles” (750 words)
- Give an account of the main points of utilitarianism. Explain with reference to one or two examples, some of the difficulties with this ethical theory being a basis for making moral decisions. Also explain your own reactions to this ethical theory as a basis for making moral decisions. (750 words)
- Give a brief account of the main points of deontology (or Kantian ethics). Explain with reference to one or two examples, some of the difficulties with this ethical theory being a basis for making moral decisions. Also explain your own reactions to this ethical theory as a basis for making moral decisions. (750 words)
- Give a brief account of the main points of virtue ethics. Explain with reference to one or two examples, some of the difficulties with this ethical theory being a basis for making moral decisions. Also explain your own reactions to this ethical theory as a basis for making moral decisions. (750 words)
Your degree assessment front cover must accompany every piece of assessment submitted (you only need 1 cover sheet for this assignment). Please also add the marking sheet as the last page in the document
Work should be word processed using Arial font size 12 and double (or 1.5) line spacing.
Work should have page numbers and each page should have student identification number.
Your name should not appear on any page of the work.
Word count should be included on your degree assessment front cover.
All work must be referenced using Harvard style of referencing as shown in the UHI Referencing Guidelines. Please see the UHI referencing guide at:
SEE FAQs on next page
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Do I answer all 4 questions?
NO – answer any 2 – you choose.
- Do I submit them as 1 single file
Yes please: the file will be:
- Front cover
- Paper 1
- Reference list
- Paper 2
- Reference list
- Marking sheet.
- Do I have to write an Introduction?
A brief one: For example:
This paper considers the main points of the normative ethical theory of utilitarianism.
That is a perfectly acceptable opening. Then just get on with it.
- Word count is a bit low?
It is. Which is why I don’t want a long and winding Introduction paragraph. It should also encourage you to write as concisely and economically as you can. Don’t waste words – check and re-check… are you” bloating” out your assignment with clumsy writing?
- Can we go 10% under or over the wordcount?
You can go over by up 10%. Going under is risky and would suggest you haven’t made the best use of the wordcount and might indicate a rather weak attempt. But see also my point about “bloating” in your writing. Make every word count.
- So, can we use bullet points?
No – write the essay in continuous prose in paragraphs. You can use headings if you want; remember though that they count towards the word count.
- Can we use appendices?
Not if you’re trying to circumvent the word count. In fact, there really shouldn’t be any need to use appendices in an assignment like this
- How many references do you want us to have?
There is no set number required. For such a brief paper, 3 or more is common, and acceptable. That does not mean you would be penalised if you only gave 1 or 2.