Topic: The has always been some kind of turmoil in the world, but in these last few years, the turmoil has been global in scale and intense in nature. A very significant example of this has been COVID-19, as well as the continue decaying of our planet. It is no surprise that mental health and wellness has become an increasingly central need. This quarter, we’ve been exploring issues related to psychology and mental health. While the situation looks bleak, there are some solutions to focus on. This research essay gives you an opportunity to explore in depth one chosen issue in psychology and to take a position on a possible solution for improving if not resolving your chosen issue.

Pre-Writing: What is an issue related to psychology and mental health that you are interested in exploring more? What ideas have been offered as solution to that issue? What are the strengths and limitations of those solutions? Where do you stand on the issue?

Task: Write a 6-7 page MLA formatted academic research essay that explores a well-defined issue of your choice related to psychology and mental health. Your Research Essay will present the problem and possible solutions that have been presented, ultimately pointing to a solution that you argue is critical to implement. Emphasize your critical analysis of your topic, limiting summary and description to only what is necessary to support your reader’s comprehension. Your topic is a debated issue and you must take a stand on the issue, writing to persuade your readers about your proposed solution. Strengthen your Research Essay by addressing the various sides of the debate that you found in your research; acknowledge counter-arguments and address them.

You must use at least 6 sources, including:

Make sure that at least one of your sources uses some amount of statistical evidence to back up

its claims. At least one must be more a theoretical text that takes a broader, philosophical approach to the topic. You may use the sources that you’ve already written about this quarter.



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