Film Interpretation: Essay 2 – Film Greats

Choose one of the films from the attached list which you have not previously seen. It may help to revisit your discussion post at the beginning of the semester where you mentioned the 2-3 films you’d like to see on the list. In your essay, analyze whether or not you think this film deserves its revered place in film and why (or why not) it has received that ranking. Analyze two to three notable elements at work in the film and evaluate each element’s worth and significance. You may use reviews, film studies, or other critical sources to supplement your argument, but you should also provide original analysis and interpretation from close viewing.

Choose a film from the AFI or Oscar list (attached) which you have not previously seen. Get the film and watch it several times, looking for a different element each time. We’ve covered many this semester, including narrative, mise-en-scene, cinematography, acting, editing, and sound. Whichever elements you choose to discuss, you should be prepared to apply the element using some of the terms and information in our text to your analysis and evaluation of the film. Use references and context from the film to support and validate your analysis. 

Requirements: 3-4 Pages  All papers must be typed, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins, with MLA format. 

Absolutely no plot summaries!  Use details and events from the film to explain your thesis about the film’s connection to its genre. 

Keep a relatively formal tone in your paper.  Avoid using the second person (you) and first person (I).  Use present tense when discussing events in the story, except for events that happened prior to the story’s beginning or when speaking of actual history.

Grading Criteria:

  • Thesis statement clearly stated in introduction (without the use of the first person I)
  • Your ability to analyze instead of summarize
  • Understanding of chosen film and genre
  • Thoroughness of your explanations/discussion on the material
  • Quality of insight/originality of insight
  • Organization (topic sentences, transitions, paragraphing)
  • Use of film terminology
  • Sentence structure, style, and diction
  • Paper 3-4 pages in length
  • MLA in-text citations (correct format)
  • 3rd person objective (re-read your paper and edit out the “I” and the “You”)
  • Use of present tense
  • Works cited page

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