You must have at least 1 and a half pages of your Essay 1 draft complete. At the top of your draft, explicitly state what you would like your reviewers to help you on. 

Peer Review Instructions

Provide comments throughout the draft that addresses organization, summarization of sources, and development of research questions.

1. In the paragraph on discourse communities, does the writer clarify who the professionals/experts are who would be interested in the topic? If not, what suggestions can you make? 

2. In the body paragraphs that introduce the sources, does the writer spend too much time summarizing? (Only a small portion, maybe 3-4 sentences max, of the paragraph should be summary. The rest should talk about how information from the source helped further develop their research question.) What can you suggest to the writer to help them think about how they can further break down their source to find keywords to embed into their developing research question?

3. What does the writer do especially well in their draft? What makes it work? 

4. What do you notice to be an area of improvement? How constructive suggestions can you offer the writer?

Peer Review Criteria

  1. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discourse Community.

In the paragraph on discourse communities, does the writer clarify who the professionals/experts are who would be interested in the topic? If not, what suggestions can you make?

  • This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Developing Question.

In the body paragraphs that introduce the sources, does the writer spend too much time summarizing? (Only a small portion, maybe 3-4 sentences max, of the paragraph should be summary. The rest should talk about how information from the source helped further develop their research question.) What can you suggest to the writer to help them think about how they can further break down their source to find keywords to embed into their developing research question?

  • This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome What Works.

What does the writer do especially well in their draft? What makes it work?

  • This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Suggestions.

What do you notice to be an area of improvement? How constructive suggestions can you offer the writer?

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