Part 1: Paraphrasing

Directions: paraphrase the following passage, using the guidelines discussed in class and posted in the Weeks Three/Four module (50 points)

Today, toys are designed to slot children into the dominant role in affluent societies: consumption.  The function of modern toys is to turn children into brainless consumers, the impulsive buyers of tomorrow. Toys are little ideological bundles that inculcate a totally materialistic understanding of desire and satisfaction, enjoyment and happiness.  It is the task of children to get Mom and Dad to divert an extraordinary amount of their income into buying toys.

                           Ziauddin Saardar, “Tyranny of Toys”

Part 2: Quoting Correctly

Directions: retype the following sentences, correcting the errors in quotation usage (50 points)

  1. The American historian Barbara Tuchman wrote about the ineptitude of generals, arguing that: “The power to command frequently causes failure to think” .
  • “A fool learns from his experience, said Otto von Bismarck” .  The German Chancellor tells us “A wise person learns from the experience of others.”
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson warned his readers that, “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.
  • Before the Revolutionary War, Patrick Henry made a passionate speech, ‘is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery” ? “Forbid it, Almighty God” ! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death” !
  • Donald Trump offered this advice—“there’s the old story about the boxer after a fight who said: ‘ that wasn’t so tough.”  What was really tough was my father hitting me on the head with a hammer.”

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