You should be able to use an adequate number of articles, researchers, and theorists in supporting your arguments (minimum 5-8) per question. Identify key ideas and develop well-organized, documented responses. Use a variety of theorists and/or researchers who are relevant to support your assertions. Do not use Blogs and .com websites. Find articles, books, and research that is peer-reviewed and referenced. 

Use 7th Edition, APA Format. All responses should be double-spaced, free of grammatical and other language errors, and reflect the quality of writing appropriate for professional educators completing a graduate degree program. Each question you respond to should be at a minimum five pages in length (not including the reference list), fully answers the question and includes a reference list at the end of each question.

Paraphrasing vs. Quoting: A good rule of thumb in paraphrasing/quotes is something like seventy percent paraphrasing and thirty percent quoting.   If you use only quotes, it means you did not synthesize the information.

* For the question, write 5-8 pages per question and include a reference list for essay. Support your thoughts with at least five (5) articles per question. Use APA (7th ed.) formatting within your essays.    


  • Make sure your documents are typed using MS word doc. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. Font, double-spaced, and standard margins.

Question 4 Describe how Educational Technology can effectively be applied to differentiation instruction to engage and increase student learning. Please describe at least two examples of how educational technology can differentiate inst

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